Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Janina Paradowska dead –

Janina Paradowska was born in 1942. She was a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University. She also studied journalism at the University of Warsaw. She worked in the “Courier Polish” and “Zycie Warszawy”. Since 1991. He was a columnist and commentator “Polityka” weekly. She conducted her weekly, Thursday’s radio show “Morning Radio TOK FM.” In 2008. Involved with television Superstacja, where she conducted Sunday current affairs program “box Paradowska.”

Journalism awards Paradowska

during the activity, Paradowska received many awards. Among them: Prize. Adolf Bochenski, Perpetual Award Foundation. Xavier and Mieczyslaw Pruszyński Prize. Andrzej Urbanczyk. She also received the award Kisiel. In 2002. He won the Grand Press for the Best Journalist of the Year. In addition, what it was to be the fulfillment of her youthful dreams, received the opportunity to play on the stage of Theatre Square – has occurred three times in the British comedy “Not now, honey.”

“Hard Janka, Janka brave”

The biographical interview – “And I wanted to to be an actress … “- Paradowska said:” There are the world’s rare. And me, in the second half of life came to such a rare specimen. Husband Jerzy Zimowski. I met a fantastic man. I was with him good as ever. I can describe the policies, happiness, on top of your own, I can not. So leave it at short: I was happy with Jurek. It’s hard to tell what was happening, as it meets two mature people traumatized. I would have called it a fascination. I really miss him. And this death before my eyes when I bathed in the sea in Odessa, and suddenly just died. So at your fingertips, so quiet, so without warning, so too early. “

The death of George Zimowski

She mentioned in the book process, which passed after the death of her beloved husband. “I did not scream, but then, on the beach in Odessa terribly I screamed. I’ve always enjoyed life, but then, returning by plane from Odessa dreamed to be smashed with me on board. After the death of her husband ran a crazy job, it drowned out everything. “

Paradowska emphasized as an important part of life , it was for her work: “Journalism is a good profession to bludgeon

sadness, grief. Janina Paradowska always is dressed, made-up, concrete, pick up prepared – no it was. Hard Janka, Janka brave. Only the fear of the evening – to enter the apartment and steer clear of room Jurek. He did not even look in that direction. Drink tea in the kitchen, take a sleeping pill and sleep. Morning to get up, stand up to the vertical, and again work zatłukiwać emotions. A lot of time passed before a brave Janka could just walk into the room Jurek, sit on a chair to touch the desk. Go to the cinema or bookstore – I was afraid that the distributions, because it was our place. “

Janina Paradowska:” This my voice terrible “

In one of the interviews granted, with a large distance and humor, spoke about his life and myself. “I had to be prudent and diligent. From a child. (…) The house was poorly. (…) I had a separate sofa near the stove. Six people lived in a room with a kitchen. Toilet on the mezzanine, which I was afraid, because the rats running around. My father suffered from multiple sclerosis, ill-treated him. Then came leukemia. He died when I was 14 years old. Mama with a small pre-war Matura was the Registrar for the clinic. I had to make a living. Work. Brother went to college, my sister was considered unhealthy, and I – always – the strongest in the family. So I had a lot of duties, “- said in an interview with Grzegorz Sroczyńskim for” High Heels “.

Recalling his beginnings, when Paradowska looking for careers, she said: “I consider myself a craftsman. I went to the Polish language and literature, because it’s such a decent college and a lot of reading. And I liked to read. Teaching practice in Sanok – a nightmare. I realized that the teacher certainly will not stay. With the theater did not work out, even though I wanted to be a theater critic. But it was a closed environment. Anyway – how many of us have to critics? I wrote the first report to “Fighting Youth”. ‘Inquired by Sroczyński, as evaluates its first material, said bluntly: “Gniot.”

policy addressed after 1989. – Most peerelowskich political journalists disappeared because it was thought that they are compromised. it was a desert. There was a free space in it went.


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