Wednesday, June 15, 2016

For the second time detected gravitational waves – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          The vision of artistic gravity waves

Artist impression of gravitational waves (123RF)



The source also was the collision of two black holes of 1.4 billion light years from Earth. One of them had a mass of 14 times, and the second - 8 times greater than the sun. As a result of the collision created a black hole with a mass of 21 solar masses.





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The next wave is detected announced today at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Diego. They were recorded on Christmas Day. The detector LIGO Livingston, Louisiana detected them just before the hour. 3.39 universal time, and it is located 3 thousand. km further twin detector in Hanford, Washington - 1.1 milliseconds later.

The information was disclosed today, because until now the results of observations and analysis of data have been accepted for publication in journal "Physical Review Letters".

Since this time collided black holes weighing less than during the previous observation that the signal was a little weaker, but it lasted a little longer - more than a second. It is a record of a few mutual laps two black holes that were approaching the confidence spiral, and then merged into one larger hole, the horizon hovered for a moment like a struck bell. At the time of the collision was liberated and emitted energy equivalent to the mass of the entire sun.

From the data analysis of both detectors LIGO that they can register the passage of gravitational waves through the Earth as 2 October last year, but this detection is not yet confirmed . - Is 85 percent. the likelihood that this was it. So we have almost three detection of gravitational waves of the same type - told PAP prof. Królak from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Warsaw and the National Center for Nuclear Research.

This confirms that such disasters occur in space quite often, as it predicted a few years ago, a team of prof. Christopher Belczyńskiego from the University of Warsaw. - We should detect from a few to several dozen collisions of black holes. It will be a similar system to the one discovered in September. Their total weight is within the range of 20-80 solar masses. And most of them will come from the distant past, that is, from a distance of billions of light-years - scientist predicted in March.

Until now, the gravitational waves were blind. Report of February this year with their first detection aroused a sensation, because scientists have tried to detect them since the 60s of the twentieth century, when only clearly demonstrated that they are a real phenomenon. Everything indicates that in the coming years we will record these waves more often. Three detected cases is the result of only the first phase of observation conducted by the American LIGO detectors, which lasted from September 2015 to January 2016. By the autumn of detectors have a break, including to improve sensitivity. Then join them third Virgo detector, built in Italy near Pisa and start the next joint session of observation. Three spaced far apart detectors allow - on the principle of triangulation - an indication of the sky place from where came the waves, and it will direct where telescopes optical or X-ray to check if the source of gravitational waves emitted are other waves.

astronomers already rubbing their hands - has opened up a whole new window for observing the Universe. Gravitational radiation has the advantage of electromagnetic, it is very poorly suppressed and tries to Earth without interference from the most remote corners of the cosmos.



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Comments (14)




                                 And with us still believe with the eating sausages on Friday is going to hell ... of course your conscience can get opychać sushi.








                             Justice denies gravitational waves. Thus says jaro period. Pisowska Act does not provide for such waves, the results are fakes







                                 Well, we already know what will be this year's Nobel Prize in physics








                                 and we condemn the children who spit out the host ...







                                 gravitational waves is just an opinion :)







                                 All registered Macierewicz secret laboratories that examine the weapon and magnetic waves spiritualist.









                                 .................... "Were registered on Christmas Day." ..........
    Well, let only the priests know , then make a declaration that this is the work of Satan.
    But why God that so far nothing has designed, and after all, you lord of all he is supposed to ...
    ( "ie, from a distance of billions of light-years") ... ie, before the creation of the World?
    priests do not like it, because, as explained owieczkom Radio Maryja ...?







                                 It should appoint a parliamentary committee to unravel the scandal with the alleged gravity waves. Crown evidence that it was a hoax, they will be reading detector with sausages and beer cans. Then the experts will go to mass.







                                 It was so long ago .. who is there to tell the event to remember: D





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