The newly discovered asteroid called 2016 HO3 orbits the Sun in such a way that it remains close to the Earth. According to the researchers, this quasi-satellite or quasi-moon of the planet. The asteroid is, however, too far from the Blue Globe to talk about a real satellite.
Quasi-satellite Earth
2016 HO3 discovered on April 27 thanks to the telescope Pan-STARRS 1 in Hawaii. The exact size of asteroids is not known, but researchers estimate that it has a diameter of 40 to 100 meters.
– Another asteroid, 2003 yn107, more than 10 years ago circled for a while after a similar orbit, but then disappeared – says Paul Chodas of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. – A new asteroid is with us much more synchronized. According to our calculations, in 2016 HO3 is stable quasi-satellite of the Earth from almost century and remains the companion of the Earth for centuries – he added.
Circling the Sun, revolves around the Earth
When rock orbits the Sun, circling around the Blue Planet. Orbit 2016 HO3 is slightly inclined relative to Earth’s orbit, so the object moving around the planet, sometimes emerges suddenly from nowhere.
Path newly discovered asteroid has a tendency to twist and change the flight path, but Earth’s gravity attracts it effectively. 2016 HO3 never comes close to our planet more than a distance of 14.5 million km and not away from it farther than 38.6 million km.
– This small asteroid seems to dance with the Earth – says Chodas .
According to NASA scientists quasi-Earth’s moon does not constitute any threat to us.

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