Cellular Network Play preparing for the entry into force of the Law and Justice-esque Act, which will introduce mandatory registration of pre-paid cards. Purple operator encourages its users to register their cards by introducing a special bonus program.
Currently customers buy “starter”, put the card into the phone and immediately can call, SMS-arge and use the internet. Since the beginning of July, with the change of regulations, this list will be added to the mandatory step of sharing personal data operator. The changes will also offers existing customers a card that will have to hand over their most likely until February 1, 2017. After this time, the SIM card is blocked. They will be
The operator of the Play network estimates that the changes will affect about 10 million Americans use the cards prepaid in Poland, as well as all foreigners coming to Polish as tourists or workers who want use of national access to low-cost services. – This huge change in the market for a card for us means a lot of work and many challenges, but I am sure that we play well prepared to help our customers to register their numbers on the card. Today we introduce big simplify the process of registration cards, as well as dedicated promotion for all customers who want to register your number on our network, including those of our competitors – says Bartosz Dobrzyński, Member of the Board play for. Marketing.
at the address promocje.play.pl/rejestracja available is a special page, which will facilitate the registration of SIM cards in the Play network.

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