Dr Ewa Lech, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Photo: Polskie Radio
the statutory regulation is the answer to the needs presented by the Polish consumers and also the effect of a further extension of the period in which the animal feed as a component can be used in genetically modified plants.
̶ labeling will be voluntary, notes Deputy Minister of agriculture Dr. Ewa Lech.
European Commission leaves here the member states a free hand. In Poland, the system will cover both food of plant and animal origin, including honey. Taken into account the fact that consumers are increasingly looking for foods produced without the use of genetically modified ingredients.
Until recently, the European Commission considered that Member States may prohibit the cultivation of GMOs only for health reasons. These reasons it was difficult to prove. Currently ban may be introduced for socio-economic, and Poland is a country where the living are concerns about the effects of consuming foods with GMOs.
Work on the draft law on food labeling GMO-free act rhythmically and should be completed the end of the year. They have already created a foundation for this legislation. The project will be subject to public consultation.
̶ Those who are food without genetically modified ingredients to produce and label, certainly will benefit from the creation of new legislation – emphasized dr. Ewa Lech. And this is due to the growing popularity of products without GMOs among consumers in the European Union.
New fire ASF – eliminated
After the discovery last week of an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in the municipality of Hajnówka in the Podlasie region, have been taken immediate action to eliminate the threat. At the command of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Krzysztof Jurgiel began operations Crisis Management Team. A meeting of the Task Force. Mitigation associated with the occurrence of cases of ASF virus.
̶ Efficiency measures taken facilitated by the fact that the disease was detected in a farm located in the area covered by the restrictions, which are already in force increased restrictions sanitary -weterynaryjne in the shipment of animals. Apply there certain proven principles bioasekuracji, explains Dr. Ewa Lech, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The victim farmer had a large farm, in a herd of pigs was about 250 pieces. All were liquidated in one day. For the losses incurred will receive one hundred percent compensation of the market value of animals. Epizootic investigation has been initiated in order to explain how there was a transfer of the disease to the holding. Is utilized also fodder and straw.
Dariusz Kwiatkowski

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