Monday, June 13, 2016

Microsoft acquires LinkedIn for 26.2 billion dollars – TELEPOLIS.PL

Microsoft acquires the business social network LinkedIn for 26.2 billion dollars. LinkedIn gathered so far Professional Account 433 million people.

LinkedInu user base grows by 19% per year, each month using it 105 million users and 60% of them using a mobile application service. The network currently has a base of 7 million jobs, which means a 101% increase in a year.

The transaction value is astronomical, but it is worth to recall that the 450 million users WhatsApp, associated initially mainly from developing countries, Facebook paid 19 billion dollars. Currently, the database WhatsApp more than 1 billion people and is the world’s largest instant messaging. LinkedIn collect more accurate data

users and is known primarily in developed countries.

Aside from Microsoft’s interest to analytical data, it is also worth mentioning for the balance of that cost much less firm purchase of Skype (8.5 billion dollars the basis of 660 million users). For $ 7.2 billion while Microsoft bought Nokia mobile division.

Source text: Microsoft, owned


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