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Graphene (123RF)
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Selecting the Polish position on the conference is a recognition of European scientists for contribution to research on graphene scientists from Warsaw. - Previous editions of the conference were held in the centers, which play a significant role in the development of graphene. The first organized Chalmers University of Technology. The second was held in Manchester, where they work discoverers of graphene and Nobel Prize winners, professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov. About a third organization asked our institute in recognition of the contributions of our scientists, particularly Dr. Vladimir Strupińskiego, which is one of the forerunners of studies on graphene - said the director of ITME in Warsaw dr. Ireneusz Marciniak.
- It's like the Olympics. It does not organize her at random. In Europe, we really appreciated when it comes to research on graphene. Let us not miss this - said in an interview with PAP Dr. Strupiński.
What is graphene?
Graphene is a substance of carbon one atom thick - the thinnest material that can be imagined. One gram can cover several football fields. It's not everything. Better than copper conductor of heat and electricity, is a hundred times stronger than steel, and as a semiconductor in many tasks is performing better than silicon.
Although the acquisition of graphene is still quite expensive, a few years ago they created it prototype touch screens for laptops and cell (the first showed Samsung). For that you need a well-conductive material and transparent, and graphene meets much better than now used substances. It is at this unearthly resistant and flexible.
also constructed graphene transistors and microprocessors, which beat all records, at least in the laboratory, but can theoretically be cheaper, smaller and more efficient than silicon chips. The latter has already come to the limit of their capabilities. Moreover, recently we found that graphene can be used for DNA sequencing and construction of various sensors.
But this is not all of its applications, today it is known that the use of graphene can also use medicine.
source : PAP - Science in Poland
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There is graphene microchip. Editor of a little gone too far.