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Janina Paradowska (Fig. Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja Gazeta)
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- We will miss her very. I have absolutely no idea who could replace Janina Paradowska. I can not imagine that there was the second such person - says Karolina Opole-Warchoł, publisher program, which led Janina Paradowska. - She was with us from the first, "the Morning". I do not know what will now be a program without it - he added.
Why Janina Paradowska came from all
Carolina Opole-Warchoł worked with Janina Paradowska for eight years. By this time she had the opportunity to watch two different faces of the well-known journalist. That they know the audience and which learned many politicians. And secondly, that know her colleagues at work.
- The air was sharp, she had a sharp tongue. Speaking in a low voice, with a culture of words, so she could chide the caller that he felt like a little child - recalls's editor.
- To work approached with great professionalism. He never is late. She always came before all, to get ready and was always prepared to programs. He cared about his work. He did not conduct interviews, to lead them. It was felt, that comes to them from the heart. A lot learned from her about the world of politics - he says.
Paradowska: That I'm calling to minister! - No, no, Mrs. Janino
A second Janina Paradowska? - In addition to the antenna, on the other side of the radio window he was cordial, warm, friendly, caring person. She treated us like his children's radio. Always remember about our birthdays and important occasions. Brought pies ... She bought donuts and Angel wings ... She thought about all and about themselves in last place. I know that it is often said, but she really was so.
Carolina Opole-Warchoł mentions that she sometimes had the opportunity to see this. - I do it I came with the problems of professional and private. She listened and did not ask if he could help
- Once, I was looking for a lawyer in a private matter. A Janina Paradowska said, "This I can call the minister of justice." - No, no, Mrs. Janino! - I protested. Finally, I agreed to help find a law firm. How then went to the office, it had seemed that the red carpet in front of me developed - smiles Carolina Opole-Warchoł.
- I could call her at any time. When I traveled to Krakow, he wanted to give me the keys to his apartment. Sam me there used to be invited for coffee. And yet it never went through with it on you. It seemed unthinkable - says editor of TOK FM. And he adds:
- Janina Paradowska was the salt of our program. What is today the most difficult to talk about her, "she was."
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