Polish Internet users fell victim to the next, very dangerous virus that attacks using Facebook. As reported Niebezpiecznik.pl portal specializing in cyberbezpieczeństwie, users of the most popular social networking site must be very cautious about the comments on the notification.
Read also: A moment of inattention, and this virus will send an your phone expensive Premium SMS.
Fig. for Niebezpiecznik.pl/ KRYSTIAN GRABA
False provide notification that someone mentioned about you in the comments. Curiosity makes the victim wants to see what is written about her. Unfortunately, after you click the information about the comment you will be redirected to a file, which in a very clever and audacious way to infect your computer. First gets a JavaScript file ( “impersonating” the Word), then a malicious executable file ( “pretending to be” under the
Code into action: first broadcasts via chat and our array of links to the infected file. They are exposed so our relatives and friends from Facebook. Second – can encrypt the disk. So this is a classic ransmoware, one of the most dangerous viruses. After a few hours of infection will inform the user that the only chance to recover files is to pay a ransom, which can be up to several hundred dollars.
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Niebezpiecznik stresses that the virus is yet undetected by most antivirus programs. So we recommend ignoring all the information that someone mentioned us in the comments. It is worth to warn friends to ignore such messages sent on our behalf.

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