Sunday, June 30, 2013

Google intends to produce its own console - On 24

Android operating system made by Google works on phones and tablets such as to enjoy the games. So Google decided to produce

As the market is saturated with similar devices, Google has decided to step nietopowy – produced console through which you will be able to play games designed for mobile devices with controllers and TV, in a manner similar to the console Ouya.

Google does not disclose any further details of the plan to enter the console market.

Wall Street Journal, ml

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Cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood - Gazeta Wyborcza

Fig. Riken Center for developmental biology

Scientists in Japan have cloned mice, using the just one drop of blood taken before the tail rodent donor. According to the researchers, the findings could in the future contribute significantly to the work of even the testing of new treatments

Mouse is powered by Atsuo Ogury Riken Center in Tsukuba lived exactly the same as live normal mice were also able to without any problems to get pregnant and give birth to offspring.

been cloned mice, using cells derived from various sources. These included white blood cells found in the lymph nodes, bone marrow and liver. The authors present findings, described in “Biology of Reproduction”, they decided to see if we can also clone a mouse from the blood circulating in the body slowly. It was not, of course, only of “art for art’s sake”, but the acquisition of a new, simple and rich source of cells, which can use to create new generations of laboratory mice.

Atsuo Ogura first retrieved from the tail of a mouse donor
blood drop . Isolated from the white blood cell and downloaded from the nucleus containing the complete genetic information rodent. Then, the kernel has been implanted into the egg of another mouse, previously with the cells of its own nucleus removed.

This is a classic technique based on the so-called cloning. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (the same method was used to clone the famous Dolly the shee p).

– For the first time we have proved that it is possible to clone mammals using peripheral blood – Atsuo Ogura says.

– The cells obtained from the blood can almost immediately be used for cloning. Of course, donor animal died during the procedure. We will use this technique very valuable for breeding strains of laboratory mice – he added.

– This is definitely a step forward in terms of cloning mammals using many different types of cells – says the BBC prof. Robin Lovell Badge of the UK’s National Institute for Medical Research in London. – All indications are that the technique developed in Japan is very effective and efficient. And it is sufficient to just one drop of blood. This will help us to maintain and even expand the individual lines of the most valuable individuals, not just one species – said Lovell Badge.

Japanese intensively engaged in research on cloning and belong to the precursors of different methods of cloning mice. Recently one of the Japanese institute announced that he had already obtained 600 genetically identical copy of a mouse.

Google is preparing a console, a watch and a new Nexus Q? -

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Google is currently working on several devices, among which we find such game console with the operating system Android . As for the other equipment, then we are talking about “smart” watch and resurrected the project Nexus Q – at least one of these products is the market debut

later this year.

Interestingly, if these leaks are confirmed, it may be a fierce battle with Apple, which according to unofficial reports also preparing similar devices. WSJ also says that the next big version of Android (probably a long-awaited for some time Key Lime Pie ) will be prepared for use in more different devices, as well as adapted to the budget smartphone or tablet in developing countries a.

This may mean that soon we will get more watches, laptops and gaming consoles with OS from Google.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

A cheaper version of Google Glass for cyclists - BBC News

When Google Glass glasses will go longer for sale, be extremely expensive. Jet’s Recon Recon Instruments is a cheaper version of the gadget giant.

Recon Jet / press release

Recon Jet

/ press release

The biggest problem Google Glass faucet

Google Glasses Glass is a device whose release are thousands of people from around the world. Their public debut is expected but not until next year. So far, the first copies of test Google Glass went to selected developers and special contest winners … read more

Recon Instruments is a small company based in Vancouver, which specializes in the production of high-tech gadgets for skiing. Spirit of previous projects

can be felt also in the Jet Recon glasses that are more equipment for athletes than Google Glass “for all”.

The Google Glass and Recon Jet operate on a modified Android. Compared with glasses Google’s Android Recon Jet is not as open – because the manufacturer made sure that most of you need to use the gadget features preinstalled. In the near future we will be releasing SKD (Software Developer Kit) – a set of programming tools – but they will not allow the free creation of reality so that the system Google Glass.

Recon Jet stylistically reminiscent of some of Oakley sunglasses. The information is displayed on the bottom of the glass member. Among them are parameters such as heart rate, movement speed, distance traveled and calories burned. The final product will al so include the ability to view the basic information of the paired smartphone with glasses. The device allows you to connect to Facebook and Twitter.

Glasses Recon Jet is a very equipment for athletes, especially cyclists. By investing in a product of the Canadian company, they will be able to read a text message or check your heart rate without taking your hands off the steering wheel.

The glasses Recon Jet can now submit Pre-order. The price was set at $ 500. This is three times less than the minimum amount you have to spend for Google Glass.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Windows 8.1 Preview now available - Virtual Poland

class=”c4″ name=”u3″

class=”c3″ id=”podpis” (photo picture manufacturer)

update the Windows operating system – Windows 8.1 Preview – is now available. Microsoft has announced that the Build developers conference 2013 in San Francisco. She also introduced new applications for Windows, including Facebook, Flipboard and the NFL.

Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, has joined the Julie Larson-Green, vice president of the Windows group, and other members of the board Microsoft to introduce Windows 8.1 Preview. Speech focused on the key areas of personalization, search by Bing, enhanced functionality and new business applications.

Antoine Leblond, Vice President of Windows Program Management, presented the possibilities that Windows 8.1 provides developers with the development and sharing application in the store windows. He also stressed that developers creating applications for Windows retain 80 percent of income if it exceeds the threshold of $ 25.000, a lifelong application. Among provided by Leblond update are:

– Redesigned Shop Windows – Windows 8.1 has been completely redesigned, allowing users to more efficiently and quickly search application. The changes are primarily better search based on individual preferences, and new Bing search commands – available from the user interface. Application list has a new look, improved navigation and better suited content.

– New opportunities for monetization – Windows 8.1 offers developers new possibilities for application design, making them, and increase user engagement. Leblond presented include Windows

Store gift cards that allow customers to purchase applications, books, games and other content. Customers will be able to fund your account Microsoft’s cash in local currency and make an online purchase in the store windows.

– New experience – Windows 8.1 offers developers templates to present and develop attractive design application. Windows 8.1 applications can interact with each other, which enables sharing of data, screen and delivers a richer experience among a range of devices, including those with 8-inch display and a smaller one.

addition to Windows 8.1, Microsoft unveiled, as developers with the tools and resources the company may offer a different experience for customers using the facilities and services of the company:

– Bing platform for developers – the new platform is based on a huge investment that Microsoft has made in key technologies behind In addition to the search options in Windows 8.1, Windows Phone, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Office, announced availability of drivers.

– Provide Preview Visual Studio 2013 and. NET 4.5.1 Preview. Visual Studio 2013, prepared in view of the new version of Windows offers a set of tools for building rich, modern applications running on Windows 8.1. Visual Studio 2013 enables developers to easily and quickly create applications and services using modern practices that operate on mobile devices and in the cloud. Microsoft also released the. NET 4.5.1 Preview, which allows developers to build applications for the next generation of devices and services while developing timely, crucial for their business programs.

– New opportunities for developers Windows Phone – Microsoft announced today that the supply of smartphones with Windows Phone grew six times faster than the rest of the smartphone market over the last year. Currently, users download more than 200 million applications on Windows Phone 8 per month. The next edition of Windows Phone is designed to support all the applications that are now designed using similar tools. Now developers can sign up for the Windows Phone Dev Center for $ 19.

Source: News, SW, WP.PL Give a Like on Facebook

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Windows Update 8.1 Now Available -

id=”intertext_1″> presentation at the conference was the head of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, and Julie Larson-Green, vice president of the Windows group. During the first presentation W8.1 focused on the functionalities that have the greatest modifications: search engine Bing, business functionality and new applications.

id=”intertext_1″> “With Windows 8 build new windows, thought of the processor to the final user interface. This ambitious vision improve with Windows 8.1 “ – said Julie Larson-Green.” Windows 8.1 is compatible with a wide range of Tablet PCs
and computers. Proves also that the opinions of our users are important to us. Windows 8.1 Preview, which today provide, is also an important step for our partners

around the world who are building the next generation of devices and applications for Windows. “

id=”intertext_1″> Windows 8.1 and offers developers a convenient tool for designing and sharing application in the store windows. Windows Store has been completely redesigned, allowing users to quickly and efficiently search the applications. Search mechanism is based on the individual preferences of the user, the manufacturer has also added new commands in Bing, which are available from the user interface. Changed the appearance and navigation applications list.

id=”intertext_1″> Microsoft has devoted a lot of attention from developers monetize applications. Users will be able to purchase the necessary programs using such Windows Store gift cards. Customers will also be able to fund your account Microsoft’s cash in local currency and make an online purchase in the store windows.

id=”intertext_1″> Windows 8.1 Preview is available for download from today. More information can be found at

You will be at Google forever - Official

According to the issued yesterday by the opinion of the search engines are not responsible for data contained on pages searched by them. You can not require them to search results did not include information about the person, even

if you put it in a bad light.

In that case, a Spaniard wanted on Google when you type his name ceased to show the information that used to be in arrears of social security contributions. The Advocate General concluded that EU rules can not be inferred such an entitlement.

If the tribunal will share this view, then, paradoxically, this level of annoyance caused by speed up work on a new law to better protect our privacy – says Piotr Body?-Szymala, lawyer, lecturer at the School of Banking .

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The new zone of life in our galaxy - Republic

22 years from Earth, the light circulating , desired planet potentially habitable. could look like the surface of one of them

Source: European Southern Observatory

class=”author”> Christopher Smith 26-06-2013

Three planets that may harbor life, scientists have discovered working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.

Globes orbit around the star Gliese 667C in the constellation Scorpius, the distance of 22 light years from Earth. Gliese 667C is called. red dwarf star three times less massive and a hundred times less bright than our Sun.

discovery was made in 2011 by Harps telescope installed at La Silla in Chile. Team led by Guillem Anglada-Escude from Germany’s University of Göttingen and Mikko Tuomi of the UK’s University of Hertfordshire. After the tests carried out in the Laboratory of Astrophysics in Grenoble, France, has been officially confirmed by the ESO.

around Gliese 667 planets circling seven, but only three recently

discovered there are at such a distance from the star, the temperature on the surface helps keep water in a liquid state.

– The discovery is remarkable, observed for the first time three potential habitat life around a single star. In our solar system there are only two such planets – Earth and Mars, the Mars water is gone – he said, commenting on this achievement prof. Rory Bames the University of Washington.

According to Prof.

. Vincent Coude, astronomer of the Observatory of Paris-Meudon, such a discovery was inevitable, astrophysicists have long suspected that red dwarfs should have this kind of planetary systems, but there was no evidence. Now, researchers have it.

– Do not present the findings in a sensational tone, discovered planets are located in the zone of potential life, but that does not mean that their life develops. Can there be like on Mars. To life, in addition to water, spreading an atmosphere of warmth on the planet’s surface, which gives it a star – explains Professor. Rory Bames the University of Washington.

According to researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in the field of view telescope is 100 billion rocky like Earth globes. Many of them can be life habitats. Try to be observed by telescopes scholars such as Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory, ALMA – the Atacama Large Millimeter Array – the world’s largest radio telescope in the Chilean Andes. In 2022, Europe will search EELT – the world’s largest optical telescope with a mirror 39 meters in diameter

Three new super-Earths. Maybe there's life - Polish Radio


Thomas Owsinski 25/06/2013

 The three new super-Earths. Maybe there's life

class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> artist’s impression of the view from Planet Gliese 667Cd looking toward the parent star called Gliese 667C. , photo: PAP / EPA / M. Kornmesser

  • relationship Raphael Motriuka: three new super-Earths (IAR)
Three-new-superZiemie-May-exist-there-life ', '1', '0 '); " class=" btn "> Add to playlist

They are part of a system in which a total of seven planets. They orbit the parent star called Gliese 667C. They are very close to us, just 22 light-years.
For now, it is not certain whether these so-called super-Earths are rocky and to what extent resemble the planet. It is known, however, that they are in so-called habitable zone means that the conditions in favor the existence of liquid water, and is a key factor for life. With today’s technologies, astronauts have no chance to reach the planets, the current rockets are in fact too weak.



Deluge in Silesia: closed schools, trains do not run - Gazeta Wyborcza

Heavy rains have given a serious toll on the inhabitants of Silesia. Trains do not run on the route Katowice – Bielsko-Biala. In Gocza?kowice residents had to be evacuated and shut down the school. The Pless water flooded the road tunnel. Forecasts are not optimistic – it will rain

said on Tuesday morning, Governor of Silesia in Gocza?kowice-Zdroj flood alert is issued and implemented flood alert throughout the county and towns Pless Bielsko County: Czechowice, Wilamowicach and Bestwina.

Gocza?kowice Zdroj part of the street was under water. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, several houses were flooded, firefighters had to evacuate seven people. The authorities have decided to suspend classes in local primary and secondary schools.

– The situation is changing rapidly, trying to fight the water supplying sandbags where needed – told PAP secretary Maria O?arowska community.

evening, heavy rain hit also Czechowice-Heirs, which was flooded with such track. This caused difficulties on the railway between Katowice and Bielsko-Biala and towards

Auschwitz. Despite ongoing intensive work all night, railway workers failed to unblock the journey. Travelling frequented route Katowice – Bielsko-Biala must deal with difficulties – the trains are driven detours, or organized communication bus replacement.

Marian B?achut Czechowicki mayor says residents have given a misery pouring, local streams. Municipal sewage system is not able to take all the water. Are flooded streets, roundabouts and low-lying places, especially in the center. – Water broke, among others, the basements of houses, primary school, secondary school and the building of the municipality. Flooded the indoor swimming pool equipment. In the basement there are two feet of water – said B?achut.

– Firefighters trying to protect the wastewater treatment plant from excess rainwater drains. We are not able to cope with all the requests for help. We spend sandbags to minimize the effects of a little rain – he added.

In the area of ??work Czechowic-Dziedzic all-volunteer firefighters from five individuals from the region, as well as other county municipalities. Forecasts are not optimistic. Precipitation – sometimes intense – may take up to Tuesday evening.

In the evening, heavy rain hit also adjacent Pszczyna. Water flooded the tunnel under the tracks on the provincial road No. 933 Authorities call for avoiding this place for lorries and other cars.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Xenta 8c 3G - a new tablet from Yarvik for 699 z? -

Hello visitor from

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  • id=”article-body”>

    Yarvik has launched a new tablet model – Xenta 8c 3G.

    Yarvik Xenta 8c 3G offers the opportunity to make phone calls and send text messages. The equipment is not unlocked.

    Tablet is equipped with a 8-inch 4:3 touch screen with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, the camera on the front for video conferencing, camera 2 megapixel camera on the back for taking pictures and recording videos, the memory capacity of 8 GB , microSDHC card slot (up to 32GB), GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and a battery with a capacity of 3700 mAh. Unit dimensions are 201 x 152 x 10 mm, and weight – 417 g

    src=”” class=”c17″

    3G Tablet Xenta 8c (TAB08-201 3G) is available on the Polish market with a suggested price of 699 z?. The device comes with a free 2-year warranty.

    Nokia Lumia 925 advertising and mocks iPhone (video) -

    Hello visitor from

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    The latest advertising

    smartphone Lumia 925 Nokia not only promotes your phone, but also takes the opportunity to mock competition from Apple.

    Nokia Lumia 925

    While “Do not flash. Amaze. “Is spot advertising the new Nokia smartphone, the Lumia 925 does not play a major role in this film pó?toraminutowym. We see it at night because a man walking through the city. At one point, he meets people turned into zombies, with pale faces and red eyes. It turns out that monsters straight from the movies makes them … Flash in the iPhone. Advertise ends slogan: Top images in any light. Even without the flash. New Nokia Lumia 925

    Nokia unveiled its new smartphone in the last month. 4.5-inch Lumia 925 has an aluminum casing, and its heart is a dual-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1.5 GHz. One of the most important elements of the phone is 8.7 MP camera with PureView technology. ( Read more ).

    This is not the first time he sticks a pin advertising rivals Nokia the Finnish company. Previously released by Microsoft spot promoting Windows Phone 8 and Nokia smartphones mocked the fans of Apple and Samsung ( read more ).

    Genetic testing will be under control? - Polish Radio


    Petar Petrovic 06/24/2013

    Genetic testing will be under control?

    class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> Laboratory , photo: Glow Images / East News

    Genetic tests regulates

    European Bioethics Convention, but Poland did not join her. We have a legal vacuum, which they use commercial laboratories.
    Bill under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and prepared by experts, changing this

    state of affairs is detrimental to the interests of hundreds of private laboratories that are cashing in on anonymous testing, which is an uncontrolled gathering information about our health and genetic heritage.
    pp / PAP



    Sunday, June 23, 2013

    It takes "Superpe?nia". Moon approached the Earth to the smallest ... - Gazeta Wyborcza

    little sin now I am committed to using the phrase “Superksi??yc”. Astronomers do not like him. It was formed for the purpose of astrology and referred to the situation in which the full-moon is in perigee of its orbit – that is, at the point closest to the Earth on its elliptical orbit.

    Class=”txt_srodtytul”> How close The moon will be?

    average distance is 384 400 km. On Sunday, during the full moon will be about 27.3 thousand. km closer than usual. What does it mean?

    Unless will be bigger and brighter?

    “bald” as it was familiarly called astronomy enthusiasts, will be slightly higher (by 14 per cent.) and lighter (by 30 per cent.) than in the opposite situation, when it is farthest from the Earth, ie, at the height of the orbit.

    Discussion remains that, if a man is able to detect such a difference. Some argue that it is obvious, but there are also those who consider it autosuggestion. Typically, he lacks overhead benchmarks by which such differences can be assessed.

    However, this weekend our senses will be somewhat easier task. On Friday came out for the summer solstice. A summer our natural satellite marches during a full exceptionally low on the horizon.

    This is due to an overlap of the effects from the tilt axis of the Earth with an
    inclination of the Moon’s orbit relative to the equator of the planet. As a result, when the Moon moves just above the trees and buildings. With this reference point, the easier it is noted that it is actually larger.

    But in the case of lunar which is very low on the horizon you need to take into account the additional effect of enlargement – moon illusion. Because of the not fully understood by psychologists and astronomers reasons moon low in the sky always seems to us more, but paradoxically we have in him then further than the moon that shines over your head. We fall into a trap set by our brain.

    Is “Superksi??yc” something we are in danger?

    Moon this weekend will look really special. But there are some who will not go for a walk. Out of fear. For a long time functioned a lot of superstitions about “Superksi??yca”. He was to cause distress to the animals, strange behavior in humans, an increased number of suicides or just higher tides.

    The fact remains, only the higher tides, but only about 3-4 cm. Other myths refute hard police statistics.

    How best to watch?

    Take a place from which we will have a good view of the southern horizon. May be a good choice meadow north shore of the lake and a balcony with views to the south.

    On Sunday, the moon rises at Warsaw approx. 20.50 – almost flush with the sunset.

    * Charles Wojcicki – popularizer of astronomy. He works in Heaven Copernicus – the Planetarium Science Center “Copernicus.” The Discovery Science leads the “secrets of the art”.

    Superksi??yc can also see on Sunday! - Polish Radio

    Agnieszka Kaminska 06/23/2013

    Superksi??yc can see y ó wnie? on Sunday!

    class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> Superksi??yc night May 22 in Kiev image: PAP / EPA / SERGEY Dolzhenko

    Moon was at the point nearest the Earth’s orbit, perigee, around 14 Polish time. Therefore, both Saturday night June 22 and Sunday June 23 is good for his observation – says NASA.

    Another opportunity to see Superksi??yc, it happens only in August 2014.

    Superksi??yc will seem about 14 per

    cent larger and up to 30 percent brighter than normal full-time.

    NASA / agkm

    Gallery: Day in photos >>>


    Superksi??yc seen in Frankfurt Main, PAP / EPA / / FRANK Rumpenhorst

