Monday, June 10, 2013

E3 2013: Microsoft Conference - Virtual Poland

E3 2013: Microsoft Conference

06/10/2013 21:58 | author. Dominik Goose,

ended the first of the major conferences, opening this year’s E3. The largest industry event, Microsoft began presenting his vision for the recently announced Xbox One. There were a lot of games, a lot of shows playable version, quite a few brand new titles and even ran some really great surprise, the overall impression is much more positive than the last.

first part of the conference – Xbox 360

Before we get to the games on the Xbox One, some important information for owners of Xbox 360 First, since July of this year, Microsoft introduced the Xbox Live network free games for Playstation Plus model. Every month players are those paying Xbox Live Gold subscription price will receive two games to keep the property (well, in the online version of course). At the start it will be Assassin’s Creed II and Halo 3 . In addition, the company introduced a new version of the console, which refers to the appearance of the Xbox One. Promises by the hundreds of new games , which will still appeared on the platform, although the information should probably be treated hundreds with a grain of salt.

World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition

Regardless of how much they will be, one was a small surprise – the current Microsoft platform will be released exclusively pecetowy hit World of Tanks . It will take control designed for the console and the controller will be available for Xbox Live Gold Subscribers for free to play model (that is probably similar to the PC). Show has already this year.

Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood

The second game of the current console, which is shown at the conference, there was little independent cartoon-platformer in a climate reminiscent of Pixar (and in some places and some Limbo ). Revolution, it is difficult to expect here, and probably will be a title available via Xbox Live Arcade.

The second part of the conference – Xbox One

Xbox One officially announcing the end of May, Microsoft representatives said the details of the games on this platform shall report at E3. And they did not disappoint in this regard. Practically the entire 1.5-hour game show concern, very little information was available on additional opportunities console, not a word was said about television and multimedia features. Trailer chased trailer here, showing also some longer passages of play. So without further ado – the game showed an American company, and whether they will convince skeptics to buy an Xbox One? Judge for yourself!

But before that, I have two quick, but very important information:
Console Release Date: in November of this year.
Price in Europe: 499 euros.

And now the game!

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

The conference was opened trailer for the new series of reads Metal Gear Solid . “Five”, as it turned out, the game will be open world, which provide a series of unprecedented freedom to explore. Its share was placed in Afghanistan, and creator of promise realistic day and night system, dynamically changing weather and the ability to use a variety of vehicles for mixing up the desert terrain. In our material, the impression made primarily long-range vision, something that – as it seems – it would not be possible on the current generation of hardware. Besides showing the brand new characters with names like Skull Face and Code Talker, so fans of the series should feel right at home. With the additional positive impressions – the game promises to be as Metal Gear Solid 3: “on steroids,” just focusing on survival and coping in a hostile environment, and that “three” is the best installm ent in the series, it can be really interesting.

Ryse Son of Rome

Ryse is prepared by the studio Crytek game exclusive Xbox One. We heard about it before, and this time we could see the trailer and excerpts game. It looks like God of War in the atmosphere of ancient Rome, with plenty of Quick Time events and spectacular battles, full of fiery arrows piercing the air. In terms of gameplay it did not look particularly inspiring (except perhaps a fragment of the phalanx formation and throwing w?ócznami into enemies – came to light elements of command division). But graphically, particularly in the context of the number of units on the screen and physics collapsing tower was spectacular. As far as the technology of Crytek sometimes it has already shown that it is second to none and certainly does not disappoint in this regard and now. The game show is to launch the console.

Killer Instinct

Xbox 360 back cult brawl years ago – Killer Instinct . Apart from a brief trailer and a part of the game, which is shown in the rest of the conference, was not told about it too much, except that the show is the exclusive Xbox One. The game will, like new Street Fighter , carried out in two dimensions with three-dimensional graphics.

Sunset Overdrive


little surprise. The creation of games for the Xbox exclusive One team will be Insomniac Games, previously associated mainly with the production of the Playstation 3 ( series Ratchet & Clank or Resistance ). Their Sunset Overdrive to be a network in an open world shooter, utilizing Xbox Live servers and their ability to count data in the cloud. Let the developers is to provide a dynamic and changing world conditions, adapting and responding to the actions of players. The graphics are heavily stylized, and the game seems to be full of joy and madness that we miss so much in online’owych shooters.

Forza Motorsport 5

A new installment of the series Forza Motorsport we already knew from previous conferences of Microsoft, and this time we got – apart from further assurances of unprecedented quality graphic design – the promise of new products in the game. It is to be called. “Drivatar” (sic), which is a virtual opponent player. It will be taught to keep our style of driving and through the “power of the clouds” and update their skills matched to ours. Not only that, it will also during our absence in the game compete with other players, and its success will be saved in some form on our account. Thanks never be alone , always find opponents at their level , etc.

Quantum Break

The conference also appeared head of the Finnish team Remedy (Max Payne , Alan Wake ), showing a short trailer production, prepared an

exclusive Xbox One. Quantum Break to connect a dynamically changing under the influence of player decisions TV series and an action-packed gameplay, zapeniaj?c best experience from the sign of Remedy in history , whatever this means. So it looks like that shown in the previous presentation piece with live actors actually be part of the game (or you feel a breath of 90s’). The story is focused around the experiment, which “broke down time”, causing it started to stutter and stand in place. This situation presents the material and, moreover, shown to admit that it looks impressive. We look forward to a real game!


The game, which is known so far very little. In addition to this short teaser, which not really much you can see, I was told only that tell a story of crime. The main developer is Hidetaka Suehiro, presenting itself as the model Sweary65 Sudy51. You can see that, like that other one author depends on his unique and stylized look based on objective shading.

Spark Project

Here, in turn, will have to deal not only with the game in the immediate sense, as a set of tools for creating your own games and share them with other users via the network. Comes to mind LittleBigPlanet and, like the production of Media Molecule give this creature has the ability to design and implement a game with the number of species and patterns of play. During the show presents the possibility of the creation of the area and placing a variety of objects, facilitated by the use of Kinect and additional touch device running Xbox Smarglass. “The Game” seems especially cheerful, crazy and happy, and looking for a companion-stone turns into a fellow-stone-great-job is hard not to smile. Production will probably be directed to the younger players, but older can provide a lot of fun.

Crimson Dragon

Another game exclusive Xbox One, which did not get beyond the trailer especially a lot of information. We know it will work Yoko Futatsugiego, creator of the cult Panzer Dragoon . In a short clip of gameplay cutscene above it can be concluded that it will be something like – air travel through a swarm of enemies and eliminate them through suitable control of sight (probably hands by Kinect). This may well be a full-fledged production, but rather expect it to be on Xbox Live Arcade.

Dead Rising 3

If you have enough zombies to Dead Rising 3 supply has them in abundance. The game show is also the exclusive Xbox One and play will be a fully open world. Once in Los Peridos move will be both on foot and by found in the game world cars. Developers promise no loading screens and crowds of the living dead – in fact the amount shown on the screen at one time, did considerable impression. The game will be a lot of melee weapons, as in the previous scenes series, will also, of course, possible to combine them in a variety of exotic combinations like the blade on a stick. During the game, the key is to be watching for it, so as not to attract to each other too much zombies and turning their attention in the event of such an eventuality.

Witcher 3

At the conference, Microsoft also debuted the first trailer for The Witcher 3 , which showed the game in motion. Representative CD Projekt Red has once again promised a huge, open world, more than 100 hours of gameplay consisting of manually designed quests, mature, dark story, full of tough choices and their consequences. He also announced a breathtaking graphics, utilizing DirectX 11 and did not remain unfounded. Trailer, albeit short, he gave the impression of detail, appearance of the trees, a great fire and combat animations. It seems that CD Projekt Red is preparing the next generation of real RPG

Battlefield 4

Electronic Arts representative, who appeared on stage to present Battlefield 4 , not too exuberant and let the images speak (literally the paintings, the show was interrupted by technical problems, through which I could not hear the sound in the trailer ). There we met so any new information on the game, but it must be admitted that what is shown looked very impressive and reminiscent of old trailer Killzone’a 3 from the first presentation of the Playstation 3 This time, however, we can be reasonably confident that the whole was generated in real time. There were explosions, were flying in the air sinking ship pieces were gliding on its deck fighters, was even travel great looking boat on the water. Fans of military shooters probably have to wait.


Before showing the trailer of the next Microsoft representative vividly assured that his company is still strongly and actively supporting independent artists. And it was probably an echo response of the previous conference, at which we have been feeling that the Redmond giant is focused only on the largest producers. The proof of this is presented trailer for Below , resulting in the studio Capybara Games, responsible for Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery . This will be a game rogue’like with randomly generated levels, filled with secrets to discover. Cover looked quite vestigial, but nevertheless pretty and very nice. Almost certainly it will be a small production on Xbox Live Arcade.

Something that makes studio Black Tusk

Before the subsequent films fell ensure that Microsoft heavily invest in as many as five new studies developer to create for him, high-budget titles. One of them is Canadian Black Tusk, who works … on something that does not even have a title. It is only the above video. The conclusions drawn from it all can guess yourself, because outside it said nothing about the game (I assume, however, that it will be a game).


Another game, which – besides being created – not said too much. At the beginning it was announced even so, that you might expect some completely new brand. But no, in terms of new Halo , which was presented simply as Halo . Why not Halo One !? No but the game has a fully exploit the power of Xbox One, providing for the first time in the history of the game series in solid 60 frames per second. It will use the opportunities offered by a cloud of Microsoft’s servers, but how do we – we do not know. Is scheduled for release in 2014.


The last game was shown at the conference Titanfall , which is one of the worst-kept trade secrets recent months. This confirms all the rumors about the first production studio Respawn, founded by the former heads of Infinity Ward ( Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ). It will be so network shooter in which players will be able to control the big walking robots. Outside the trailer shows a fragment game where the game looked very rapidly, effectively and – above all – fresh, what in the world online’owych shooters is extremely rare. Interestingly, according to the announcement of the conference is to show it with exclusive on Xbox One, and also make use of the possibility of its cloud servers. Is scheduled for release in spring 2014.

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