Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New TV series LD145V Sharp - BBC News

Sharp launches the new series of TVs LD145V. As set out in the specification and price?

Sharp LD145V / material Press Reports

Sharp LD145V

/ press release

The new 7000 HD PVR decoder production Cyfrowy Polsat

offer Cyfrowy Polsat hit a new decoder – PVR HD 7000, which has a built-in hard drive and is equipped with the “record, stop, step back.” Provides

reception of channels in HD, and when connected to the Internet can also access to thousands of free audio-visual … read more

models Sharp LD145V a TV Direct LED backlight with a whole range of useful features. Among them: the music player, photos and DivX video HD digital tuner DVB-T / C TV has two HDMI and one SCART and CI card slot +.

LD145V devices are available in two screen sizes – 32 and 39 inches. They are equipped with USB function Time Shift / PVR, which allows customers to pause, resume, and rewind TV channel you are watching, but also to record your favorite shows to an external drive or USB stick. You can record both the broadcast program at a time or to program a recording from the tuner DVB-T and cable DVB-C.

TV LD145V will come to market in early June in prices:

– 32” LD145V – 1550 z?,

– 39” LD145V – 1800 z?.

article from the category: Audio-Video

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INTERIA.PL / press release

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