Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood - Gazeta Wyborcza

Fig. Riken Center for developmental biology

Scientists in Japan have cloned mice, using the just one drop of blood taken before the tail rodent donor. According to the researchers, the findings could in the future contribute significantly to the work of even the testing of new treatments

Mouse is powered by Atsuo Ogury Riken Center in Tsukuba lived exactly the same as live normal mice were also able to without any problems to get pregnant and give birth to offspring.

been cloned mice, using cells derived from various sources. These included white blood cells found in the lymph nodes, bone marrow and liver. The authors present findings, described in “Biology of Reproduction”, they decided to see if we can also clone a mouse from the blood circulating in the body slowly. It was not, of course, only of “art for art’s sake”, but the acquisition of a new, simple and rich source of cells, which can use to create new generations of laboratory mice.

Atsuo Ogura first retrieved from the tail of a mouse donor
blood drop . Isolated from the white blood cell and downloaded from the nucleus containing the complete genetic information rodent. Then, the kernel has been implanted into the egg of another mouse, previously with the cells of its own nucleus removed.

This is a classic technique based on the so-called cloning. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (the same method was used to clone the famous Dolly the shee p).

– For the first time we have proved that it is possible to clone mammals using peripheral blood – Atsuo Ogura says.

– The cells obtained from the blood can almost immediately be used for cloning. Of course, donor animal died during the procedure. We will use this technique very valuable for breeding strains of laboratory mice – he added.

– This is definitely a step forward in terms of cloning mammals using many different types of cells – says the BBC prof. Robin Lovell Badge of the UK’s National Institute for Medical Research in London. – All indications are that the technique developed in Japan is very effective and efficient. And it is sufficient to just one drop of blood. This will help us to maintain and even expand the individual lines of the most valuable individuals, not just one species – said Lovell Badge.

Japanese intensively engaged in research on cloning and belong to the precursors of different methods of cloning mice. Recently one of the Japanese institute announced that he had already obtained 600 genetically identical copy of a mouse.

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