Friday, June 7, 2013

UKE look at the quality of telecommunications services (video) -

Later this year, the Office of Electronic Communications wants to develop a method of measuring quality indicators of telecommunications services. UKE urges the industry to work together to avoid arbitrary decisions. With indicators, consumers will have more information on the services purchased.

Project teams have already developed a list of the ten indicators that will be monitored to determine the quality of telecommunication services. This includes time waiting for a call or data transmission speed. The office also wants to control the rate of complaints correctness of invoices and the time connection to the public telecommunications network.

These indicators are up to ten. Businesses still for a very long time have reported observations and wondered if the selected index or another, and this step has been completed. Determined that the number of indicators that have been developed by the working groups is final – provides Magdalena Gaj, president of the Office of Electronic Communications, in an interview with the News Agency Newseria.

next step after developing a list of

indicators to determine how to measure them. It can take up to several months. Magdalena Gaj stresses, however, that he wants to work on this ended in the autumn of this year. If this time is not possible to reach consensus with the industry, the President of UKE may unilaterally decide on the meters.

telecommunications law allows the President of UKE, it may simply impose indicators of quality of regulatory decision and control it, but I do not think about it all about and I urge all businesses to zwarli arrays, because it is not worth fighting – calls grove.

Ongoing work is the result of last year signed a memorandum on service quality. It assumes so. soft regulation, or office work with market participants during the implementation of the indicators and their measures. Parties to the memorandum signed in October are all the major telecom operators in Poland, as well as chambers of industry and academia.

I think our telecommunications market is the time to fight for the consumer quality. Any improvement in the quality will be of benefit to the consumer, and this is the minimum that will still be good, has been developed in the framework of the memorandum – says President Bush. – Will stop to buy a pig in a poke, because operators will need us to clearly identify at least the 10 indicators. source: Newseria News Agency


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