Thursday, June 13, 2013

E3 2013: Sony Conference coverage - BBC News

PlayStation 4 / AFP

met not only the price and appearance of the PlayStation 4, but also some new games. We have also learned how to approach the group will look into the subject of stimulants. Password: “Sony won E3″ does not seem to be exaggerated. Sony conference started with fifteen-minute delay, but at least she opened her lovely animation showing known at exclusivy PS4 and stare?kie productions from the time of the first PlayStation. We saw fragments presented some time ago gameplayów and other materials – appeared Watch Dogs, Diablo 3, Killzone, and many other games.

opened the conference proper, however, Jack Tretton, head of the U.S. branch of Sony, who in his “welcoming speech” thanked us, and millions of other players who are waiting for the new console. He also said, however, that a lot of people wait for information on the incumbent platforms.

We begin

Vita … This has been, it turns out, 125 games created in one way or another under it, as well as “a lot more” if you will add to this a classic PSN-in. Apparently, the standard player who had bought it in the hands of as many as ten production. Shortly buy more anyway, because soon we can expect a premier productions such as Batman: Arkham Origins, CounterSpy Destiny of Spirits, Doki Doki Universe, Killzone: Mercenary or Tearaway. We will see a rimejków: God of War HD Collection, Final Fantasy X and X-2, Flower and Dead Nation. In a few months it will be available in the new console bundle, in which we get a full season of The Walking Dead and the addition of 400 Days.

this performance came the PlayStation 3 .. and the first fire went Trailer The Last of Us, which most of us had already dodge. After that – Puppeteer, who still looks charming i .. Rain. Melancholic trailer betrayed that the game will be released this autumn. If you manage to forget, it’s about your money will be fighting a great sounding Beyond: Two Souls and Gran Turismo 6

Tretton rightly pointed out that it is not bad for a console in the seventh year of life. Also praised the fact that the PlayStation 3 will come out some new games from close associates of Sony – the first one went Batman: Arkham Origins, which will go on sale in the fall. We have seen, unfortunately, the same trailer that was leaked earlier to the network, but buying the game on PS3 will get an extra outfit for example: we can play straight from the Batman cartoons from the 60′s. You will get a bundle of Grand Theft Auto V with headphones in the box.

Finally, the time has come perhaps most importantly – on the PlayStation 4 Andrew House appeared on the scene and revealed the appearance of a new console the Japanese.

soon as it came on the scene Michael Lynton, chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and announced that the PSN will offer not only games, but also additional entertainment – movies, or music. Apparently, in the development of services to help them celebrities – such as Daft Punk, Jack White, Nine Inch Nails. Activities available in the programs offered by PSN-in has to be adapted to the tastes of players – get the weight exclusivów, but the “classics for geeks”, eg Community and Breaking Bad. Service “Video Unlimited” will move together with the console, will offer more than 150,000 movies and TV series. A similar service “Music Unlimited” will offer more than 20 million tracks to streamingowania (and you will be able to stream it on phones, tablets and consoles). Besides, the Americans will get a chance launch Amazon Instant Video, Epix, Hulu, Netflix … And other things that we in Poland are not able to be in terested.

After all these media revelations came the Shu Yoshida, head of Sony Worldwide Studios, whose task was to introduce us to the games that we see on the PlayStation 4 Finally. One of them is The Order of 1886, is working on Ready At Dawn Studios under the wings Sony Santa Monica. Presented trailer looks very steampunkowo, wiktoria?sko and a bit like Sherlock Holmes mixed with Dishonored. Everything apparently was generated on the motor output and now looks great. We have seen, however, only a few people traveling by carriage, getting out of it and fight the monsters with pistols, rifles and inszych widgets.

Then it was time for a brief “update” of the things that we saw in February. Killzone: Shadow Fall on looks great (we saw a bit gameplay of “forest” landscapes), Driveclub there (and so much you can say about him), and inFamous: Second Son looks very interesting – apart from quite a long introduction to the history we saw a bit of gameplay, who was playing in the background of a strange cover of “Heart-Shaped Box” Nirvana.

And then there was what I could not wait – the first next-gene announced the title of the PS4, the Knack.

All of these games (except for inFamous) will be available at the start of the console, inFamous will go on sale in the first quarter of 2014.

remember this old man, who presented the excitement caused billions of polygons animating his face? David Cage and the company shared with the full version of tech-demo, which is a hero – The Dark Knight. At first it looked like a terrible fantasy-trash, but then fell films, and Dark Wizard proved to be against green screens, and what we saw was just “shooting the game.” Good, I wish it was just a tech-demo.

Next in line came from SCEA Adam Boyes, who took the stage and introduced the guys from Supergiant Games (Bastion) – finally learned something about turkeys for next-genes. Their new game, Transistor, will debut on the PlayStation 4 next year and we will probably have to deal with a temporary exclusive – just as in the case of The Witness. Released trailer, however, is probably only an extended version of what we saw at the first announcement of this production.

indie developers will be able to “self-publishing”, that is quite an easy way to “screwing up” for Sony digital distribution services. New

games to come out in this way on the PlayStation 4 is Do not Starve, Mercenary Kings (hand drawn multiplayerowy, retro shooter) Octodad: Deadliest Catch, Secret Ponchos (shooter and fight in a climate of western), Outlast (survival horror) , Oddworld: New & Tasty (full remake of the original), Galak-Z (side-scrolling space shooter in an open world). Compared with Microsoft and their Minecraft? Not bad!

Finally there is also some information about Diablo III on the PS3, which, as the authors predict, will get additional items inspired titles from the portfolio of Sony – for example, coat of Journey. It turned out that Final Fantasy Versus XIII, in turn, does exist, but since today is called Final Fantasy XV. Enough people have long trailer tracking the history of this production could fall asleep, but it shows the parts of gameplay probably not leave any illusions – it can be an amazing game of action and at the same time one of the most interesting views Final Fantasy for years

second game from Square was a Kingdom Hearts 3, which shows relatively little to us.


Conference in contrast to all previous abounds indeed in gameplay videos. This time, the second time, we could see the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag in action – Kenway crept into the jungle przezchodzi? a very lively village to hunt pirates and soldiers who were trying to hunt him. It was smooth, nice and although not as much as the next-gene we want, it nevertheless promises to be quite interesting. Especially when, where, after killing several soldiers in character pointing a nearby ship operates in hell either by changing the surrounding jungle and the whole town, which we saw earlier. At this point, after a spectacular hops across rooftops and inszych ustrojstwach game turned into a sea of ??GTA – steering the ship looks very dynamic, climb onto the masts promises to be a lot of fun (allowing raiding galleys aboard diving enemies) and more … admittedly, that may be of interest even players who have so far stayed away from this series.

Then a new material from the Watch Dogs, featuring a mission in which the player had to reach out to his buddy, T-Bone, and save him from approaching killers. Playing in the beginning, according to regulations by car, listening to the radio the police, he was soon tracked down by helicopter and started running – entered the tunnel, exit shakowa? bars closed and locked after entering it, then opened the door to the café next door and ran on his feet. Shakowa? security camera in the surrounding high-rise, where they currently sit T-Bone, warned him of the approaching killers and said to him, at which point escape. Back to the hero – hack another camera to check which way to go and read the opponents targeting T-Bone in what looks like skradank?-minigame. When T-Bone came to the place where he was a player – this shakowa? car, fired his light and slaughtered surprised the guard. He put a buddy in the car and fleeing from the helicopter hit a police ambush – he used the “blackout” putting out the lights and bulbs destroying the lampposts, got rid of the police and fled boat. Interestingly, all those who purchase Watch Dogs version for Sony will get an extra hour gameplay and new attire for Pierce.

Next up was LeBron James, who zapowiedza? NBA 2K14 talking with a virtual version of himself. Later we learned that Sony started work with Bethesda and the console will be The Elder Scrolls Online (we got a climatic, filtered typical fantasy epic trailer).

And it’s time for another game, which we have not heard before: Mad Max! Finally (really – finally!) Lived to the game based on the movie that inspired almost everything, which is associated with a post-apocalypse in our pop culture.

He returned to the stage

Jack Tretton. Apparently Game 140 is currently in production at PlayStation 4, and 100 of them will be available for the first year of life console. PS4 will be allowed to play on stimulants. With the game you can sell, give away, do with it what you want. To play on the PlayStation 4 will not have to be connected to the Internet. The console will also check to see if we are connected to it however, if we want to play in single-player offline. Do not turn off or if you do not log in to your account within 24 hours. This information is summarized in the official cutscene anyway instructional circumvention of stimulants.

will be able to also play games that do attract, chat with your friends who play something else. Tretton also reminded us that it will be available in the “share” on the pad. PlayStation Plus, which you bought the PS3 will be transferred to the PlayStation 4 All for one price – for less than $ 5 per month customers will get all that so far has PSPlus. In the first year of life console plus subscribers will get a new game for free every month – including Do not Starve and Outlast. It seems that you will have a PS + to play online. So at least one thing that makes Microsoft inspired Sony to change its policy.

Finally came the time for Bungie and Activision … Destiny, the wilderness and work. During the presentation we saw at last gameplay where the player went through an extremely linear and not very thrilling passage perfectly spaced car wrecks … to join his friend. Together they moved toward the gigantic building, went through another narrow corridors when the lights went out and fired them with a special flying machine. Fascinating few minutes but nothing changed in quite an intense battle with a lot of enemies – and at the same time quite a standard FPS. Or maybe I’m wrong – the further into the forest, the better it looked. Especially when the players finally came out of the channels on the Surface and were joined by a third person. On the horizon showed a spaceship, players quickly jumped into the fray with aliens and suddenly it got interesting: giant monsters, chaos on the battlefield, amazing graphics, great special effects … Okay & #8211; this stuff a long time to spin, but in the end he did a joy to watch. Mass Effect, Borderlands, Halo in one.

What Gaikai and cloud technologies? Will be available in 2014, at first only in the U.S. on PS4 and PS3. Then they get a Vita. Thanks to the cloud will be able to play on the PlayStation 4 games with the PS3. We know the price of the console! $ 399, 399 euros, 349 pounds – about 1,700 zlotys, the Prime Minister for the holidays!

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