Saturday, June 15, 2013

I will not cry after Symbian. There is then ... -

I mean, what like Symbian?

that totally uniformizowa? phones that work on it? Everyone was practically the same. In the same way, there have to specific options, and each identically Nokia keyboard is blocked. You know the one – you know them all. He was also the Symbian through it pretty simple, not to say that too trivial.

that it had practically everyone? As usual, there was much competition then.

Or for being in a store with applications for Symbian was in vain to look for 900,000 positions? Did not give it, not at all, the freedom to tediously plowing through the vast library in search of the desired program. Under these conditions simply can not be produced fashion to install traps. Especially if you add that in 2008 the store was only 1400 applications free. For the rest of you had to pay a few dollars.

that Symbian as the idea of ??a universal system was born in 1998 with the cooperation of giants like Nokia, Motorola, Siemens and Sony Ericsson? Something created by the four competing manufacturers (and in fact by Symbian Ltd., which is owned by them) could not long survive.

Moreover, the mobile phone market something that is

commercially since 2000, only three years later, not much can be, what must be considered obsolete. What after thirteen years.

is that over time, and it finally evolved? That there were more views, and finally the system straci? the full name of the benefit of the “S” and then the names of Anna and Belle

that belonged to Symbian until recently record number of applications open at the same time? The result of up to 74 windows on Nokia E6 failed to beat long. Also regrettable is energy management. Who saw that after charging the phone to work two or even three days just because it consumes less power in idle mode

you for the fact that Symbian is almost broke my fingers? Indeed, there was not much to modify the system based on the core after programming languages ??and running on both ARM and x86 (thanks emulator). No, and no one had threatened that you will face a court-martial for a show of hands at a closed architecture.

Finally, after many changes, Symbian has become a pathetic light system, which does not enforce technological progress. To work effectively not needed after all we do not know what the CPU and cache sea.

Not to mention the fact that Symbian phone simply could not poszpanowa?. Hearing of this system are much cheaper than their counterparts OSOW innovation. Well, as long as there were no Nokias with Symbian 3 phones will not be considered “smart”.

I will not cry after Symbian. There is then …

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