Saturday, June 15, 2013

One Xbox at E3 is a fake! Console pretended ordinary PCs! - CHIP

It turns out that very loud demonstration of the best games for
Xbox One, shown to the world at E3, in fact, had nothing to do with the next-generation console. Games were presented on a standard desktop computer equipped with a graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700 series and based on the Windows 7 operating system Not only does the Xbox One at all positions demonstration was not, Microsoft has decided to show the game on a completely different graphics (from another manufacturer!) Than that which would be present in the console.

This leads us to ask whether consoles are needed at all if you can not see? On the other hand, we wonder why he still uses the Microsoft Windows 7 ..

Meanwhile, the comment

developers who create games for the PS4 shows that playing this console, shown in a development version of Sony.

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