Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Poland is not on Google's earning and Apple'u? - Gazeta Wyborcza

Because as well as other international corporations want to pay in Poland as little tax as possible. Just doing a lot of other companies in Europe. Yesterday, we showed that Google and Apple were on the Polish market turnover of nearly 2 billion z?, as big as Ikea group. Except that furniture manufacturer paid to state coffers 10.5 million z? tax Google – 3.6 million z?, and Apple – 1.1 million z?. This brand has a surprising regularity Britain, France and Germany. Big companies with weapons: operate legally, do not do anything against the law, this is the globalization and the single European market. Eric Schmidt, Google’s head o f the supervisory board, in his text for the British newspaper “Guardian” made it clear: “It is the politicians, not the corporations determine the rules of the game”. And we play by the rules – honest consumers are paying the VAT and we we throw up something in the form of income tax. Do you think your country should pay more taxes? It uszczelnijcie tax system.

These translations like a scene from the Oscar-winning documentary “Inside Job” about the causes of the financial crisis in the United States, which broke out in late 2008 and pushed the world into recession. Dominique

Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund, who said goodbye to the position in disgrace, tells the documentary crew, and the adoption of the heads of U.S. banks talked about greed in the capital market. At one point, asked the U.S. Treasury secretary, said: “We are so greedy that we can not control the ball. Help us zaostrzcie rules.”

Optimization of taxes is legal, but is it fair? Many giants sold in Poland not only foreign carrot and nails. The stores of Apple, Google and Spotify are more and more Polish songs, books and games.

If these companies do not pay taxes on the actual income generated in the country, you may wonder, how does he take money to maintain their technical universities, museums, cinem as, and digital libraries. For all of these multinational corporations earn. For now, governments come to a simple conclusion: the systems need to seal it.

It takes a great start on two fronts – the first of the tax money fighting governments and corporations, and the governments of other governments. Wednesday’s “Financial Times” reported that the Prime Minister of Bermuda, a tax haven subsidiary of the British Crown, it is not willing to sign the International Convention for the prevention of tax avoidance. And multiplies questions.

It is of taxes will take a few days at the G8 summit’s most economically developed countries. Until recently promoted the idea of ??a world without borders – the free movement of people, capital, goods and services. Wynaturzy?y the actions of global corporations: Google, Apple, Amazon, and others.

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