Friday, June 14, 2013

Do not speed, but speed and maneuverability advantages of a cheetah -

The fact that the cheetah is the fastest land animal, we know from school. Recent scientific studies have shown, however, that this is not the speed of these animals is the key to success in hunting. It turned out that the cheetah is as P. .. good car, not speed, but speed is the true meaning.

One of the cheetahs examined. Around her neck is visible transmitter / Structure & Motion Lab, RVC /

One of the cheetahs examined. The neck is visible transmitter

/ Structure & Motion Lab, RVC /

argue about the results of studies conducted in the Okavango Delta in northern Botswana by a

group of scientists led by Professor Alan Wilson from the Royal Veterinary College. For the first time they observed five cheetahs hunting equipped with GPS transmitters. The data gathered for 17 months. At this time, the animals hunted in total 367 times. In 94 cases, the hunt was successful.

maximum speed recorded animal reached 93 km / h, which is 25.9 meters per second. Other cheetahs were running at maximum speed 25.4 m / s, 22.0 m / s, 21.1 m / s and 20.1 m / s Interestingly, however, most of the animals in hunting moved much slower, averaging 50 km / h, which is 14.9 m / s And that was enough.

The key to success was not the maximum speed but the ability for rapid acceleration and deceleration, as well as exceptional maneuverability. It is thanks to the cheetahs were able to maneuver so as to finally reach chased antelope.

Counted, the average cheetah is able to throw to run out of power four times faster than Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world. In turn, the inhibition of three cheetahs can beat the best so far known result of horses, specially trained to play polo.

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