Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The first month and 10 million copies sold Galaxy S4! - Newsweek Poland

  • AO

  • June 4 2013 17:40 | Last updated 18:14

  • id=”article”>
     The advertising campaign

    advertising campaign “Life companion”. Press Releases

    Samsung Galaxy S4 beat the sales record of its predecessor and the first month was 10 million customers. Every second in the world are bought four copies of the flagship product of Samsung.

    To achieve this result, the Galaxy S III needed almost two months,

    and previous copies of the smartphone more than half a year. Sales results of the latest and most advanced product Samsung allows so to think that he will beat all the records of his predecessors.

    Galaxy S4 is now available in more than 110 countries, and its sales will be gradually deployed to 155 countries. In terms of sales of the South Korean manufacturer cooperates with 327 partners around the world. It is also planned to introduce the next version of the color. In addition to the currently available color palettes Black Mist and White Frost, this summer will be introduced colors Blue Arctic and Red Aurora and Mirage Purple and Brown Autumn.

    – On behalf of Samsung, I would like to thank the millions of customers around the world who have chosen Samsung Galaxy S4 . I wanted to ensure that we continue to create innovative devices that thanks to their solutions and functionalities will be an inspiration to all people – said JK Shin, President and Chairman of IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics.

    class=”c5″> Read also: Galaxy S4 in pictures ?

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