Thomas Owsinski 25/06/2013
class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> artist’s impression of the view from Planet Gliese 667Cd looking toward the parent star called Gliese 667C. , photo: PAP / EPA / M. Kornmesser
- relationship Raphael Motriuka: three new super-Earths (IAR)
They are part of a system in which a total of seven planets. They orbit the parent star called Gliese 667C. They are very close to us, just 22 light-years.
For now, it is not certain whether these so-called super-Earths are rocky and to what extent resemble the planet. It is known, however, that they are in so-called habitable zone means that the conditions in favor the existence of liquid water, and is a key factor for life. With today’s technologies, astronauts have no chance to reach the planets, the current rockets are in fact too weak.

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