Wednesday, June 12, 2013

PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One - which console better? - Virtual Poland

Source: | added 2013-06-12 (12:13) | 0 Comments

PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One - which console better?


Therefore, were announced by Microsoft and Sony premieres of new consoles is going to be the next scene of the battle for the hearts and wallets of customers. So far, Sony is definitely winning.

While Microsoft gets bogged down in explanations about what is allowed and what is not allowed to be done on the Xbox One, Sony decided to go to the counter. The presentation, which took place yesterday at E3, the company showed at the end of the same console, and announced its price. The device will go on sale before Christmas – PlayStation 4 will cost on release $ 399 or 399 euros. So there will be a $ 100 cheaper than the Xbox One – the first point for the Japanese.

Sony decided to undermine Microsoft also
elsewhere. Representatives of the Japanese company stated yesterday that the PlayStation 4, as opposed to the Xbox One, you will not need access to the internet to play the game offline (point). This statement was adopted with genuine enthusiasm. But even better was adopted preview of how Sony intends to regulate the market of used games – it just is not going to interfere with what the players want to do with your copy of the game.

“When a player buys a disc on the PlayStation 4, receives the right to use, resell, lend, or stop friends forever,” yesterday said Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America.

statement was adopted by the participants of the press conference standing ovation. The challenge of equipment, which is not yet – 3:0 for the PlayStation 4

Microsoft Sony decided to humiliate even more and let the official instructions on how to share the physical copies of games on the PlayStation 4 Who has ever seen, he should be with her as soon as you read.

I wonder if after yesterday’s presentation of Sony, Microsoft has come to the conclusion that they invented and limitations may look nice on presentations designed for publishers, but it really annoyed players.

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  • Xbox One
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