Thursday, March 31, 2016

The virus attacks the routers and the Internet of Things – Interia

1 hour. 23 minutes ago

Analysts threats from ESET discovered a new malicious program targeting routers running Linux. The threat can also spread to the Internet of Things devices (Internet of Things), equipped with the same operating system.

Linux / Remaiten attacks routers and other devices running Linux

/ © 123RF / Picsel

One of the researchers from Kaspersky Lab recently conducted a study in private clinics to identify weaknesses in its security and find ways to eliminate them. The medical equipment was found loopholes that open the door for cybercriminals, giving them access to … read more

Linux / Remaiten trying to log on to the device, and after successful trial on the charges is not a malicious program. Many infected in this way devices creates a botnet, or network of computers running the command cybercriminals. The network has so infected devices to carry out DDoS attacks on servers in the network.

The threat attempts to connect to random IP addresses, and if the connection is successful, Linux /

Remaiten will try to guess the login information for the device (Telnet). After logging in to the router, the threat downloads a malicious program that attaches the device to the resulting botnet. A network of infected computers can now perform commands cybercriminals. Most often they consist of flooding (sending a huge amount of packages at very short intervals), downloading and running files or scanning the network for more devices to be able to sign them, and then infect. The essential functionality of the resulting botnet, however, is to carry out DDoS attacks on servers in the network.

The new threat – Linux / Remaiten – combines the capabilities of the earlier Trojans: Tsunami (also known as Kaiten) and Gafgyt. Added to it, however, some improvements, including recognition capabilities to the device hardware architecture (ARM, MIPS). So far, analysts threats ESET identified three new versions of this threat.


Polish astronomer solves one of the biggest mysteries of the universe? – Interia

Luxury European grant to study one of the biggest mysteries of the universe fell Polish astronomer. Prof. Gregory Pietrzyński of Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory received the Advanced Grant of nearly 2.4 million. This is the twelfth grant of the European Council. Research for UW.

the Pole has a chance to precisely determine the Hubble parameter, one of the most important in modern astronomy

/ © 123RF / Picsel

We can feel irrelevant compared to the scale of the universe, but recent studies indicate that the expansion has contributed to the establishment and maintenance of life. Also here on Earth. read more

“A sub-percent of the distance scale from binaries and Cepheids” is a project whose main objective is to determine the famous Hubble parameter with an accuracy of 1 per cent. This parameter determines the Hubble expansion rate of the universe. Knowledge of the precise value of the speed with which expands our universe, is crucial in understanding its nature.

Thanks to the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe in 2011. (Nobel Prize) confirmed the existence of dark energy, which accounts for about 70 percent. the universe. The precise value of the Hubble parameter is therefore necessary in order to investigate the nature of dark matter and understand the evolution of our universe.

To determine the Hubble parameter, perform distance measurements to very distant objects. For this purpose, astronomers use different methods. Based on such measurements calibrated then secondary distance indicators, which in turn allow you to calibrate the far-reaching methods to measure the distance to the farthest corners of the universe. The result is called. cosmic distance ladder.

It turns out that the most difficult step in the arduous and

extremely difficult study is the precise calibration of the first rung of the ladder – the distance to nearby galaxies.

Prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński and his team will try to clarify the value of the Hubble parameter, performing extremely precise measurements to nearby galaxies using two methods: Cepheids and eclipsing the stars.

Previous studies prof. Pietrzyńskiego already allowed to determine the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud with an accuracy of 2.2 per cent., Which is currently the most robust foundations to determine the Hubble parameter with an accuracy of about 3 percent. (Measuring the received second place in the poll organized FOR IN Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the most interesting Polish invention, achievement and scientific event of the last 25 years).

The project ERC plans to appoint a distance of several nearby galaxies with an accuracy the order of 1 per cent., which will allow for the measurement of Hubble’s unprecedented accuracy of 1 percent.

Before the professor learned on the grant, has decided to launch in April, the Polish Academy of Sciences and there will be conducted research funded by ERC. Partner institutions in the project are the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France and Universidad de Concepcion in Chile.

Advanced Grant is for researchers with well-established scientific position, who have experience in managing research teams. The contest for the grant this time signed up nearly 2,000 leaders from all over Europe.


The new mini PC from Intel already available in Poland – CHIP

The model is available in Polish stores is based on the latest, quad-core processor Intel Atom x5-Z8300. In the computer the size of a USB flash drive closed 2GB of RAM, two USB (3.0 and 2.0), modules Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Intel Compute Stick offers 32GB of storage, expandable via microSD card. For the work of the media are responsible chips Intel HD Graphics and Intel HD Audio. The whole runs under Windows 10 and can be operated from your smartphone or tablet using Intel Remote Keyboard application.

The device is already available on the Polish market at a price 679 zł.

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The large Windows update will introduce 10 new features for players –

During the Build 2016 conference announced a big update Windows 10 to celebrate the first birthday of the system. Universal Platform Windows live to see the many changes that will affect the game using this solution. In May this year, is slated to support technology G-Sync and FreeSync. These solutions are offered in turn by Nvidia and AMD, which have a limited jamming or delay the display. Together with this change will be introduced to exclude vertical synchronization (ie. V-Sync). It was also confirmed support for the combined graphics cards (ie. Multi-GPU), but this solution will appear at a later, as yet unknown date.

Other new features in Windows 10 Anniversary Update:
  • Ability to log in by scanning your face or fingerprint browser Edge
  • Windows Ink improve the stylus and allow quick access to the drawing tools
  • Ability to use the Bash shell mode for developers

Games platform UWP will gain support for mods and overlays (such as eg. recording programs gameplay). Sorry modifications to games published on the UWP will have to be formally approved by the creators of the game. Microsoft representatives explain such a step security. In their view, there is a great risk that unauthorized modifications could include not only new content, but also, for example. Malware. Promise for the fact that in the near future UWP will provide higher performance for games and greater security for users.

Killer Instinct appeared in the shop Windows Store two days ago, but again not without mishaps. Problems refresh the data synchronization between the PC and the console does not encourage a new service from Microsoft. - High update Windows 10 will introduce new features for gamers - news - 2016-03-31 >

Killer Instinct appeared in the shop Windows Store two days ago, but again not without mishaps. Refresh problems or data synchronization between the PC and the console does not encourage new service from Microsoft.


Microsoft also unveiled a tool that allows you to convert standard Win32 applications to a format that will allow them to run as an application UWP. During the conference, the program Desktop App Converter was demonstrated using games Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Age of Empires II HD. The famous strategy has also started using mods and overlay. American corporation says that thanks Desktop App Converter developers will be able to convert their games without any code changes.


The company from Redmond during the conference boasted numbers. Among the statistics related games worth mentioning 5000000000 visits to the shop Windows Store, doubling the number of regular customers returning on a monthly basis and 6.6 million hours of gameplay streamowanej Xbox One PC.

Changes do not miss the console, Microsoft – Xbox One will be available to store Windows Store. It is not known yet what applications will have access konsolowcy (at the conference used the example photo viewer). The planned system update will also introduce the Xbox Cort (assistant voice of Microsoft) and the ability to play music in the background. In addition, any Xbox One will be used as a development kit.



Intel Compute Stick new generation is entering the Polish –

Thursday, 31 March 2016 12:00 Written by Wojtek Onyśków

 Intel Compute Stick

The computer the size of a USB flash drive.

Computers that its size does not exceed size USB flash drive is becoming more and more popular. Noteworthy is primarily convenience. The device can plug the HDMI TV or monitor to get started.

Intel Compute Stick was one of the first devices of this type on the market. Polish shops to hit just the next generation of mini-computer. The model is based on the new quad-core processor Intel Atom x5-Z8300. Among the components we find 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of disk space. It is possible to extend the available memory with microSD card.

intel compute stick 1 Intel Compute Stick

the gadget is further equipped with two USB – 2.0 and 3.0, the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Is responsible for generating graphics system Intel HD Graphics. The whole system is based on the Windows 10 .

For convenient control, connect the keyboard and

mouse. Alternatively, you can use the free app Intel Remote Keyboard , which you install on your smartphone or tablet.

Intel Compute Stick is now available for sale at the price of 679 zlotys. In the near future on the store shelves will also be a version with Intel Core M sixth generation.

Source: Intel


Build 2016 – news from Windows 10 – Interia

Windows 10 – news from Build 2016

/ materials Press releases

Satya Nadella introduced improvements in Corte and announced the pre-release versions of the new services available in the cloud and toolkits designed in order to help you better understand the world around us and create intelligent robots. On the other hand Myerson announced a new update to Windows 10 that appear year after the public release of this operating system. Also announced significant improvements for consumers and developers working on the Universal Platform Windows.

– As an industry, we are on the verge of a new reality, which combines the power of a natural human language with advanced computer technology – says Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft – in Microsoft define this phenomenon as “Conversation as a platform.” It increases the potential of Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Windows platforms, providing more options for developers around the world – adds CEO of Microsoft.

– Windows 10 is already installed on 270 million devices. This significant update will come in more natural interactions with devices operating on Windows 10, when you interact with the world around us: with our pen, identity and voice – said Terry Myerson – We are fully committed to Windows to become the most productive environment for all developers, giving access to new opportunities in the context of Universal Windows platforms and brand new tools that enable the creation of applications for Windows 10 via each platform – adds Myerson.

Cortana Intelligence Suite

package Cortana intelligence, formerly known as Cortana Analytics is driven through innovative research in the areas of Big Data, machine learning, perception, analysis and intelligence robots. The package created on the platform Azure developers and companies can use to create complete solutions, including applications that will be able to learn our world and robots and agents who are able to interact with people in a personalized and intelligent way.

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced the introduction of additional features to the package Cortana Intelligence Suite, pre-release. The first is Microsoft Cognitive Services, which is a set of intelligent application programming interfaces that allow systems to see, hear, speak, understand and interpret our needs through natural methods of communication. The second is Microsoft Bot Framework, which can be used by programmers using any programming language for constructing smart robots, able to talk with customers in natural language through a variety of platforms, .: SMS, Slack, Twitter, telegram, web browsers and others.

Microsoft also demonstrated how developers can take advantage of these services in order to change not only the business reality, but also the everyday life of people. “Seeing AI” – is an application that is currently in the testing phase. Its aim is to show how these new possibilities in the field of IT will help people who have low vision and blind people better understand the world around them. Microsoft today also introduced the Skype Bot Platform, including software development kit (SKD), intelligent application programming interfaces (APIs), and systems to streamline workflow (Workflow). All within the framework of the all-new Skype Bot Portal. With this platform, developers can build robots that use all forms of communication available through Skype, including: text, voice, video, and messages containing interactive 3D characters. Customers can start using the platform Skype Bots downloading the latest version of Skype for Windows, Android or iOS. Through Skype Bot Platform developers can start building Skype Bots today, so that they reach the millions of Skype users.

Innovation in Windows:

The operating system Windows 10 was designed to allow the use of a computer in a more personalized way, providing users with a more natural and inspiring greater confidence in the experience on any device they use. With features such as Cortana and Windows Hello, Windows 10 started to provide experience in line with this vision. Today more than 270 million active devices use Windows 10. This is the best “beginning” in the history of Windows. The results, achieved 145 percent. faster than Windows 7. In addition, consumers spend more time using Windows 10 than ever before: it is already more than 75 billion hours of the day to the public this system. This fast-growing base of causes great interest of developers who provide completely new, universal applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, King, Disney, Starbucks, and many others. Shop Windows has been already more than 5 billion visits where Windows users discover entirely new applications for Windows 10, including more than 1 000 serving Cortana.

During Wednesday’s

Build conference, Microsoft shared the next chapter of his vision for personal computing. As part of a completely new, “anniversary” 10 Windows updates, new features will be available for Windows Ink, Cortana, Windows Hello and dedicated industry giant gaming. Windows Ink is a completely new experience, located on the tip of the digital pen: you can write on the device in exactly the same way in which we write on paper, creating sticky notes, drawing on the blackboard and freely sharing their thoughts analog in a digital world. Completely new features available on the platform Cortana and provide proactive advice from Cort during the day and allow a conversation with Cort, even without the need to log in when the device is locked. In turn, the new features of Windows Hello allow you to use the security offered by Windows 10 on multiple devices and through Microsoft Edge, so that the user can log on to their devices using only their identity. These are just a few of the many features that will appear this summer, when “Anniversary” Windows update will become widely available.

Microsoft has released the Microsoft HoloLens Development Edition, the first moving experience Windows on a plane holograms and give developers a chance to help in the future of holographic computers. Microsoft called customers from numerous industries who already benefit from HoloLens, among them Case Western Reserve University and NASA. Through Universal Windows platforms (UWP) developers can create new, expanded reality, in which there are holograms.

For over thirty years, Windows is an open environment that happily accepts contributions from the partners involved in the creation of hardware and and software developers around the world. Universal Platform Windows (UWP) is an extension of this philosophy – combines the historical windows open approach with the best modern application platform. On Wednesday, also presented new opportunities Universal Windows platforms (UWP) .: full access to proactive intelligence Cortana and the new SDK for Windows 10, which includes a completely new Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and tools such as Windows and Windows Hello Ink that will enable the integration of the latest innovations available in the Windows 10 applications. The programming kit With Xbox, every Xbox One can function as a set of programming. This allows each user sitting in the living room can become a programmer.

Microsoft also introduced a completely new tools that will allow to create applications for Windows 10 via each platform:

Developers including American Express, BBC Sport, Yahoo Mail, Zully, and many others have achieved great success thanks to web applications hosted on Windows 10. The Windows 10 will be able to handle natively Bash, giving users access to the Windows file system and tools from the world of interfaces from the command line .

Microsoft also shared his new converter desktop applications within the project Centanial. It allows developers to easily transfer 16 million applications Win32 and .Net for Windows Universal Platform (UWP). With Universal Platform Windows programmers can enhance the capabilities of their applications and distribute them through the Windows Store.

Xamarin will help developers as part of the .NET platform sharing common code applications on Windows, iOS, and Android experience and deliver fully dedicated to each of these platforms.

If you want to try out innovative features that will be available in the anniversary upgrade Windows 10, join the Windows Insider and install the latest version. From today, developers who participate in the Windows Insider have access to pre-release version of the software development kit (SDK) Windows Anniversary where they can learn new functions.


Episcopate calls for full protection of life. Terlikowski: What is Justice? – Cable Republic

We’ll see how much they were worth declarations of right-wing politicians – said in “Medium Cool” Tomasz Terlikowski. According to the chief editor of TV Republic, the reaction of parliamentarians professed Catholics Bishops’ Statement Bureau of ws. Protection of life will be for them a kind of test.

The Bureau of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate issued a Communication on the full protection of human life. The statement highlighted in the protection of unborn life can not settle for the current compromise. in 1050. Baptism Jubilee Polish ask all people of good will, to believers and non-believers, to take action aimed at the full legal protection of the unborn. Please parliamentarians and government leaders to have taken legislative initiatives and launched programs that would provide practical help for parents of sick children, the disabled and conceived as a result of rape – posted hierarchs. READ MORE

The position of the Bureau of KEP referred to “Medium Cool” editor-in-chief of TV Republic. – Full protection of life 1050 anniversary of Polish Christianity. I wrote some time ago that beyond cool ceremonies (…) that politicians heat in the shadow of the celebration, they should also do something. The best vote of the state and the nation will be a total ban on abortion – rated Terlikowski.

– What does PiS? – He asked.

Journalist pointed out that the position of the Church is always on the matter was clear, but there was no official statement is now. – PiS went into the election as the party faithful to the protection of life. Now is the time to check it out – he said.

Editor-in-chief of TV Republic reminded of the bill prepared by the Foundation Pro-Right to life. As he spoke, he stands against this bill a lot to say about parliamentarians. – We’ll see how much they were worth declarations of right-wing politicians – he added.


Scientists: physical activity slows the aging brain – Market Health

Regular intense physical activity in older people protects the brain and helps to conserve cognitive abilities, can therefore reduce the costs associated with the treatment of dementia – the researchers say in the pages of Neurology.

The team , headed by Dr. Clinton B. Wright of the University of Miami in Florida, analyzed data on the frequency and intensity of exercise among 876 participants in the Northern Manhattan Study. After about seven years, all passed the first test of the ability of memory and thinking skill. They were also performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. After another five years of tests assessing cognitive abilities repeated – Gazeta Wyborcza.

90 percent. study group practiced little or not at all. The remaining 10 percent. regularly participated in physical activities of moderate or high intensity.

The analysis carried out only in the group, which initially had no problems with memory and other cognitive abilities, showed that people who exercised less or not at all, worse they are much faster, within

five years than people who exercise intensively. Scientists have estimated that the brains of people with a group of little exerciser or niećwiczącej were on average 10 years older than people who are very active.



The most important thing from the conference Microsoft we Poles can only dream of – Spider’s Web

news, which so far were presented at the conference Build 2016 actually limited to two things. One rather boring (though developers potentially extremely interesting), and the other quite bold and … problematic, what we Poles know for a long time.

Microsoft definitely does not know how to do conferences. They presented a plethora of interesting information in a form that each at least one person repeatedly yawned. Form of presentation: the bottom. But the content counts, is not it? With this content is also a number of problems. No, not because they are bad ideas or poorly concocted. On the contrary, presented a groundbreaking developer tools and what colleague Piotr Górecki with in a private chat with me during the conference beautifully described as SNaaS (SkyNet as a Service).

For the first time in the history of my stay I went out on a Build, however, full of doubts. There were few things typical “consumer” (which Build is not any surprise, after all, is a conference for developers), there was a lot of great dreams and aspirations. Moreover, it presented a vision and concrete platforms and tools. So what I shake my nose? Let’s look at two of the most important Sale. Not that I ignored the news related to the Xbox or HoloLens, but these are secondary to the real “mięsku” and I will discuss this later in the text. What are these revolutions?

A truly universal applications and programming Macbook

So what if those present are not at all a universal and again we “cheated”? Not exactly. Until now, developers can create applications to any device … on the condition that they work under Windows 10. Game consoles, tablets, phones, PCs … one application will work for everyone, but it must be Windows 10. Now, when the technology Xamarin was purchased by Microsoft, the situation has changed significantly.

Developers may in fact create one solution not only for the Microsoft platform, but also on iOS or Android. This solution is not ideal, and for some time will not, but the temptation for developers is significant. Behold, has one common code and design for all systems and separate subversion dedicated to individual systems, devices and their specifics.


the problem is that this is not the first time that Microsoft provides developers with great solutions, those with approval nod, then let off Xcode to create another application on a platform on which people actually they want to spend money on these applications. Xamarin seems to be the ultimate weapon ( “create an application UWP even as you write on a completely different system!”) And, in theory, is simply delicious. In practice … well. Visual Studio? Windows 10? I have a big

concern when it comes to interest from developers, though I would love to be wrong.

Sztóczna inęligiencja Microsoftó

Much more interesting seems to be providing a platform of Microsoft’s artificial intelligence for all interested developers. Whether in the form of bots, or processing data, or for any other purpose. And here we come to the problem, which might be sitting next to me American journalists do not see, and which concerns … well, much of the world. It’s about language. And I do not mean the programming language.


there’s a reason Google Now in our country is very limited, Siri with us chatting in English and Cortana, just does not work. It’s good that the developers will be able to manage their own vocabulary and improve it, that’s great, that the power of Azure will be available to them to be able to invent and create fantastic service. I’m afraid that we, Czechs, Russians, Swedes, Greeks, ( here put dozens of countries ) will not soon be able to use these facilities. Editing the dictionary handy to create a very simple bot, but the “real” artificial intelligence, such as communicating with our natural language, will be limited to a few markets. Prestigious, important, but from our point of view, we might as well discuss the services on Jupiter.

This is not the end

Microsoft still did not answer too many questions left by last year’s build, but it is a bit too early to scold him for it. The conference will last three days, and we are only the opening speech. I will seek the answers from representatives of the company and thematic sessions.

For now, however, I have many doubts. The plan is good, impressive, and Microsoft may reach new heights. At one small condition: assuming that burn …


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Windows 10 in 270 million devices in July update Anniversary Update –

The market success of Windows 10 spoke at the conference, Terry Myerson, executive vice president for Microsoft. Windows. He disclosed the statistics, according to which Windows 10, which premiered in July last year, is now installed on 270 million devices, including both desktops and mobile devices.

Myerson stressed that Windows 10 is the fastest installed system in the history of Microsoft. A month after the release of Windows 10 used by 75 million users, while at the beginning of January. the number of devices with Windows 10 has exceeded 200 million.

It should be remembered that by the time Windows 10 Microsoft assumed that within three years the system will be present in 1 billion computers around the world. On its rapid market adaptation is highly influenced by the fact that the system is available as a free update for users of Windows 7 and 8.1 (until 29 July., After the update you will have to pay), as well as Microsoft’s actions, which in an increasingly insistent manner urges users to switch to Windows 10.

During this year’s Build conference also announced the appearance in July. a major update of Windows 10 called Anniversary Update. For users it may be important to introduce biometric method of logging in applications and services and a new way to use is supported by Windows 10 stylus. In the latter case appears to include the ability to automatically assign handwritten notes corresponding to their application content, as well as draw your own routes on the maps.

Microsoft stressed the new tools that are designed for application developers. This should include the possibility of placing on the Windows Store Win32 application or use in Windows 10 with

Basha – shell-known Linux. The latter solution is considered by experts to be important to the extent that for many years ecosystems Windows and Linux were the main rivals on the market for operating systems, and Microsoft itself repeatedly tried to prove the superiority of Windows over the family Linux platforms.

During the conference, Microsoft has devoted too much attention to his concept of universal application. With this solution, one program (e.g. game) can run on different platforms. In this part of the conference it appeared in the Polish accent, because to present the essence of universal application used in the game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.”

Author: ps

Learn more: Windows 10, Windows, Microsoft, Linux


Recorder Navitel R800 –

Radek Nimal – Wednesday, 30 March 2016 10:16


Navitel Poland presented a new car recorder R800 allows recording in Full HD. It is distinguished by handling memory cards with a capacity up to 256 GB.


So capacious media allows you to store much longer recordings, to the delight of all the riders in the long haul and want to record its details. R800 Full HD lets you record video footage at a resolution of 1 920 x 1 080 pixels at 30 FPS. Lens with a wide viewing angle of 170 ° allows you to capture the entire view before the car. At the same time optional six-fold digital zoom portion of the screen allows you to view the details.

Recordings in the quality occupy a lot of space. To save so many hours of the whole tour so far to be reckoned with card replacement. The standard recorder copes with this by overwriting the oldest fragments. R800 Full HD is the first device on the Polish market that supports memory cards with a capacity up to 256 GB.

The recorder has to this sensitive microphone and shock sensor. Parking mode allows you to activate recording when motion is detected in the

vicinity of the vehicle. Passage in registration mode routes automatically after activating the car. Preview on the road is possible on a 4-inch IPS screen, 800 x 480 pixels. Includes manufacturer adds grip resistant to shocks resulting from the car. R800 Full HD is priced at 449 PLN. Price, of course, does not include media card.

Source: Navitel


Tags: camera, Navitel, R800 recorder car


“Something” collided with Jupiter – Virtual Poland

  The event was observed by an amateur – astronomer March 17, 2016 year. An object – perhaps a comet or asteroid – hit the largest planet of the Solar System.

 The incident took place near one of the cloud belts of Jupiter known as the North Equatorial Belt. He caught them Gerrit Kernbauer of Modling in Austria. Observation used a telescope-type Newton aperture of 20 cm, equipped with a CCD detector to observe the planet.

 So far we do not know many details. In the above cutscene, we see a sudden flash, which most likely is the result of a collision. Further research scientists show what really hit the planet, and whether there has left some traces.

 Paul Chodas – expert from asteroids NASA – commented the event the website, where he stated that “probably caused the explosion of an asteroid. There are there just a lot more than comets. Although I must admit that this is speculation at the moment.”

 Jupiter is the largest planet of the Solar System. Its mass 2.5 times greater than the mass of all the planets in our solar system. For this reason, regularly attracts comets and asteroids. The most famous collision has been hitting the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 –

summer of 1994 year. The body was torn into several pieces and left on the gas giant seen for some time spots.

  Source: space / iflscience / wikipedia


HTC 10 in three configurations, prices from 584 to $ 905 –

According to unofficial information, the new smartphone HTC 10 will be available in three versions equipped with two different processors, RAM 3 and 4 GB and 16, 32 and 128 GB of data. Prices of mobile amount to 584, 768 and $ 905.

Data on the new smartphone HTC 10, which has been shown officially on April 12, reported the Chinese services, Technology however, the manufacturer has not confirmed this information.

According to the leaks, HTC 10 will be launched in three versions with different configurations and price. The first variant of the cheapest (costing per 584 dollars.) Will be equipped with a unit Snapdragon 652, 3 GB of RAM and 16 GB of data.

768 dollars. you will have to pay for a version of HTC 10 working under the control of the processor Snapdragon 820, which will support 3 GB of RAM, and the data will be allocated 32 GB. The same CPU found in your phone buyer the most expensive varieties phone costing 905 dollars. In this case, on board will be 4 GB of RAM and 128 GB of memory for data.

It is not known whether the sales in Poland will go all three versions of HTC 10, or only selected.

Author: ps

Learn more: HTC 10 HTC


Sony Cyber-shot RX10 RX III – another superzoom – Interia

Sony to Introduce camera RX10 III with a new lens covering an impressive focal range of 24-600 mm.

Sony Cyber-shot RX RX10 III


Sony introduced the latest model bezlusterkowca, bearing the designation Alfa 6300. the camera – as provided by the manufacturer – can boast the shortest in the world sometimes focus. read more

used in the newly developed camera lens Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T * 24-600 mm F2,4-4 boasts up to 25x zoom. It works with 1-inch CMOS sensor with a resolution of 20.1 megapixels and BIONZ processor X. The optical system uses eight lens with ED glass elements, including one Super ED lens and two aspherical ED. Their combination compensates for chromatic aberration and is intended to ensure high contrast and high sharpness across the frame. The lens also includes an advanced aspherical lens (AA), which ensures accurate image and allows you to reduce the size of the entire system.

The minimum distance from the object at the maximum focal length is 72 cm. The maximum magnification is so 0,49x, which means that the new lens will work at the macro pictures from a greater distance. ZEISS T * coating weakens the glare and so. fairies, often worsening the quality of shots under harsh lighting. The advantages must also be faithful color reproduction and sharp image reproduction.

The nine-aperture arranged in almost a perfect circle, resulting in a bokeh effect. New Optical SteadyShot algorithm adapted to the characteristics of the lens model RX10 III, in turn compensates the vibration generated during the shooting handheld at high zoom or in low light.

used in the camera image sensor is equipped with a dedicated system memory and DRAM made with BSI. The combination of this sensor with BIONZ image processor X has allowed for a wider ISO range – from 64 to 12. As part of the transmitter is also said system DRAM. It caches large amounts of data and allows them to be read and processed without

delay. This design allows image recording at a rate of 1,000 frames per second and playback recorded video in slow motion.

The minimum electronic shutter speed is 1/32 000 seconds, while the burst speed reaches 14 fps. The camera also allows shooting with accurate tracking focus – the maximum speed is then 5 fps.

RX10 III allows you to record a motion picture with a resolution of 4K. It is used for the compression format XAVC S and all pixels in the matrix, without combining them into groups. The camera is also equipped with high-speed AF system. Half-pressing the shutter button will instantly focus on the subject: the need for a just 0.09 seconds.

Other novelties and improvements

In comparison with RX10 current models, the new camera contains a set of other improvements. These include the three rings on the lens used for independent focus, zoom and iris. The shape of the handle on the cover is better suited for use with lens with a large focal length. It helps especially secure grip at the height of the eye. What is new is the focus lock on the tube: Pressing it makes it impossible to change the focus. Focus lock can also be assigned to a button with programmable functions. Together with the new camera will offer a dedicated case LCJ-RXJ.

The new model will appear in Europe in April.


PlayStation 4.5 / 4K will be announced before the release of the PlayStation VR –

I really do not understand all the pain ass konsolowców. What bothers you more powerful version of the console? Now that you play at low details and tugging 21-30 fps, why you defend others to play in better quality?

The biggest drawback consoles is just that, whether you want to spend the 1500 zł 10 000 zł on same equipment, the only thing you can buy is a primitive low end class set for some pennies.

this is the main reason why many people choose a PC to play, because just as you like 60 fps, you have no alternative.

me a new version of the console enjoys immensely, because in the end will progress in the game mechanics. If you have PS4K allow 4K, it will have a GPU at least equaling the GF 970. For only this card allows you to play in 4K at 30 fps, if you set cantilever low-medium detail. Admittedly this is art for art’s sake, because it is much better to play 1080p at 60 fps and high details on the graphics card.

However, there is no way to refuse the Sony creative thinking. Resolution patch the easiest and even enough to do it within the system console. New PS4 with appropriately powerful GPU fires all spent so far in the game 4K.

Sony good thoughts. If game developers still working on graphics in a variety of details and added graphic effects for the GF 970 or 980 Ti, support for PS4K will mean zero cost.

With PS4K simply get a graphic of the PS4 only 4K resolution. But more interesting is when you set 1080p, then we will get 60 fps, and possibly additives from PC like. [Link prohibited by the forum rules] S.

The market entry PS4K this same advantages. Think even about the fact that many existing owners of the PS4 will want to replace their consoles and sell the old one. As a result, the secondary market will be quite a lot of new consoles, and their price will fall below 1000 zł due to market saturation.
Who else had the console will be able to purchase the cheap.

Who does not want a new the console will continue to play a new game, with the current graphics. But nothing in this aspect does not change.

PS4K it is a win-win for all. The only victims can be Nintendo NX, which is an important feature to be just more power than

the competition.
At the end of the year could be an interesting situation on the market consoles:
1. Entry level: XO and PS4.
2. Nintendo NX.
3. PS4K and Xbox One version of 4K.

Who knows, maybe Nintendo also go with the flow and NX debut in two versions performance?

I do not know about you, but I look forward to growing year the performance of consoles enjoys. Even let it be paid for the need to purchase every year, GPU PC 2000 zł, it will at least be a breath of fresh air in the game, and not, as now, that outside games INDIA and Early Access is not what to play.

Remember that new versions of the consoles does not mean that your PS4 and XO suddenly lose support. Next you’ll play them for another 2-3 years. The best model is here iOS. Holders of age iPhone 4S can play 99% of games with the AppStore, all work smoothly, but the graphics are much worse. iPhone 5 already provides access to all the items, and the latest generation is 60 fps, AA and other additives graphic.
iOS has ease of use console. Installing, you play, and the game adapts to the device parameters. Even better than the PC where you have to manually select whether you prefer better shadows, the effects of post-process when the hardware no longer allows for full details.
