Apple Monday’s conference was an opportunity to celebrate my small triumph – almost entirely fulfilled my words in September 2014 in which he denied end the era of 4-inch devices offer the American giant. Despite this, from the point of view of the user iPhone 5s, just do not see the reasons why I had to replace my phone for a newer model.
4-inch smartphones, Apple accompany me for nearly 3.5 years and, therefore, since he appeared in the company’s offer. iPhone 5 bought shortly after the Polish premiere and he was my primary smartphone for nearly two years. Time for change came when Tim Cook for the first time moved away from the display and presented to the world 4,7- and 5,5-inch device.
Despite the high revolution, I decided to remain conservative and instead buy between the top six, I opted for the older 5s, which accompanies me today. And while the smartphone I use very often, it’s totally not feel the need to exchange it for any other model.
I remember discussions, often very exciting, as to what screen size is optimal. Many of the faithful users of Apple products, which I never ranked among strongly advocated for staying by the ideal to use with one hand 4-inch screen device. Mocked even Samsung for a series of Galaxy Note, as a type of completely “impractical” devices.
Tim Cook in 2014 did, however differently and introduced to offer only the big smartphones, thus forcing the fans of this company, to change their views. Most of them are made and from the mouth of users, who once strongly advocated compact phone, you can hear the question, “how can you use your smartphone less than 5.5 inches?”.
I am a user who uses your smartphone very often. When I go by car I serve me as a navigation when traveling around the city helps me finding on the ground and getting public transport. It is task manager, calendar, music player, camera and … so I could exchange a long time. All of these aspects in common the fact that the phone I use mostly when I’m away from home, often on the run. In all these situations, slip grip and the ability to use one hand are like a godsend, and allow you to perform all these tasks without fear that as soon as equipment for several thousand lands on the sidewalk.
In fact, I think a bigger screen more for the added complication than for deliverance. Of course – if I was playing games, watching movies or doing some complex operations, probably zwracałbym attention to other aspects. However, since all advanced operations have a computer on which I am doing everything faster and more convenient. On your phone or tablet can edit a Word file, create a presentation, or spreadsheet in Excel – but what if I can do it on your computer much faster and more convenient. iOS complements my computer, not a replacement.
And these users like me is probably the vast majority of customers of Apple.
The purpose of Tim Cook on Monday the conference was to present how good is the iPhone SE. He had to show how bad the iPhone 5s. Hence a lot of comparisons to current models, which gives way to a heavily latest phones from Apple. However, from the point of view of the user 5s I do not see any reasons that would replace the phone with a new one. Of course – after installing iOS 9 I felt a slight slowdown, but in the era of truly powerful mobile processors, with any Lagache or jams can not be said. And no. In the 2.5 years since the launch of the iPhone 5S still quickly run all the applications, the parties also load very quickly, and on the device operate all the programs available in the App Store. Watcha Apple users can easily pair with 5s.
In fact, all the situations in which this advanced processor can see are mostly just a theory – because in this screen hard to talk about advanced work. What about the fact that the iPhone SE for a few seconds faster renders the film, as hard on this screen it assembled? From that are larger device, and 4 inches are mainly used for content consumption.
Although the iPhone SE has most of the news that Apple introduced in October, is missing among them the most important – 3D Touch. This makes the smartphone is still a step backwards in relation to the masthead Apple device and this fact for me is the ultimate reason why no mention my 5s-ki on the latest model. Besides a faster processor and a few additions, in the style of broken Polish payment ApplePay, there is nothing in it that could make me a replacement phone.
And for this reason that the iPhone 5s will be hosted in my pocket for a The closest time. A SE probably will not hit her ever again.
The text was originally published on the blog Forum Spider’s Web. Blog Forum is a place where readers Spider’s Web to publish their own texts blogging, and the best of them go to the site, and on our Facebook and Twitter.

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