Thursday, March 17, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7 per part is worth $ 255 – Virtual Poland

  An analysis of IHS-u shows that the total cost of production of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S7 to 255 dollars, or 982 zł.

 As the most expensive element of the structure indicated no screen, but the chipset – in this case, Qualcomm Snapdragon 820. Its price is almost 1/4 of the total cost of the phone and is as high as $ 62.

 As quoted by recode analysis lacked detailed rozpiski individual elements. We know, however, that the new, 12-megapixel camera costs 13.70 USD.

 The total amount of $ 255 includes both the market prices of the individual components, as well as added by IHS $ 5 towards the foldable together. The analysis does not include the cost of software creation, marketing and distribution.

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