Friday, March 18, 2016

The supercomputer manages the circulatory system – Polish Radio

                             The technology of artificial breeding organs perfected a high school student, Maciej Manka, a student of the Academic School Complex in Chorzow (Slaskie). It can help, among others, in studying the effect of drugs on the human body.

His achievement Manka presented during lasting from Thursday to Friday in Katowice Congress “Investing in Medical Innovations.”

It is based on research conducted at Harvard in 2010. – It was a study about whether you can create using a polymer model, which – if Grow on the lung cells, and we give them the forces that are actually present in the human lung, the actual gallbladder pulmonary – will behave as if they behave in the human lung. It has been proven that it was the first in the history of the moment when he created a completely artificially designed and artificially functioning, created using artificial conditions of the human body – said during the congress.

– I figured, how can we come to the production of the chip ie the device in which the cells are grown, how can we do it cheaper and more accessible to the technology more widely and easily available. My technology bypasses the need for highly sophisticated 3D printers, and it is even more suitable for what we really want to get – he added.

As the high school, the technology allows a relatively low cost receive the human body, on

which you can conduct research. – We can see how nano bacteria, viruses or drugs will work on the body and the answer you get will be the same as that which would get conducting research on humans, because it is the structure of organic – said Maciej Manka.

the inspiration to address the topic was for Maciej 1.5 years ago read the article in “world of Science”. This year, waiting for him baccalaureate, then planning a degree in biomedical.



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