18 people died and 179 were injured in 142 accidents – a balance of Friday and Saturday on Polish roads. The most tragic was the Great Saturday, during which 16 persons died.
– From 2012, it was not so tragic Holy Saturday – said David Marciniak department press the Police Headquarters.
On Good Friday, there was, in turn, to 63 accidents in which 2 persons lost their lives and 72 were injured. – It was a very good result, because so far the statistics showed that Good Friday was the most tragic of these holidays – noted Marciniak.
Police on Friday and Saturday arrested 510 drunk drivers.
TVN24 / x-news
the closer to …
According to the data of police officers shows that the most tragic accidents occur frequently last kilometers before the destination. – Drivers who drove 100, 200 km, start to rush, they are less cautious because they want as quickly as possible to get to the goal – explained Iwona pony with the press team of the Police Headquarters. – Always guided by common sense. Better slower and longer to go to these festivals were calm and happy for our whole family – she added.
The cause of accidents can also be a driver fatigue; because – as emphasized by officials – the driver must take this into account at the time when sits behind the wheel. – There are cases of sleep the driver not only at night but also during the day, in the afternoon. Another such a dangerous time is 2, 3 in the morning. If you usually do not go at night, deciding it, disrupt its natural biological rhythm – noted pony.
Those who drive recklessly should also remember that for speeding more than 50 km / h in built-up loses a driver’s license. Valid also a record, which gives the police the possibility of license suspension for a flagrant violation of traffic rules; Police occurs to the court for the temporary withdrawal of the driver’s license.
Sobriety primarily
As part of the “Easter” roadside officers always check the sobriety of drivers – emphasizes Marek Konkolewski Police Headquarters.
the officers have at their disposal more than four thousand one hundred electronic devices sobriety tests, and each control takes literally several seconds. You can be sure that the check on the road will start from the verification of sobriety – provides policeman.
a policeman adds that as a dangerous state as inebriation is the so-called hangover, when the body is tired, the perception of the wheel is also limited.
the police do not forget about pedestrians
the police traffic increased take measures to ensure safety on Polish roads. All this we can safely get to the end, to their families and to the time of Easter we spent peacefully in the company of loved ones.
The cops do not forget about walking and calling for caution, extreme caution when passing through pedestrian crossing as well as wearing reflective elements thus giving a chance for drivers to get us noticed.
The police traffic police watchful eye will patrol places particularly dangerous, where according to police statistics, there is a lot of accidents.
The number of victims of accidents caused by intoxicated drivers in recent years falls. Despite this, last year, up to 220 people were killed in such incidents on the road.
Lana Monday
Due to the frequent abuse of tradition “Śmigus-Dyngus” uniforms recall that in the case of destruction or contamination of clothing or other property damage as a result of intentional wrap can be held criminally liable under Article. 288 of the Penal Code or Article. 124 kw, art. 51 kw, art. 75 kw and art. 140 sq. In a situation where the object of attacks on vehicles in traffic can be responsible for the acts of art. 76 kw, art. 90 kw and art. 86 sq. For the acts referred to is punishable by a fine, reprimand or even the restriction of liberty or the penalty of arrest.
IAR, PAP, policja.pl, kh

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