Thursday, March 24, 2016

HIV cut from human DNA – Interia

The past few years have seen tremendous progress in the issue of genome editing. With the incredible technology CRISPR / Cas9, scientists are able to easily identify, edit, or delete individual segments of DNA. Now able to apply this technique to trace the genome of HIV.

Scientists are getting closer to defeating HIV

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When HIV infects a host cell, the RNA is converted into DNA of HIV-1 capable of binding to receptors CD4 present on the surface of T cells, the immune system. Infected cells divide with HIV genome to produce more virus particles. This mechanism weakens the immune system and eventually leads to the development of AIDS.

Currently, antiretroviral drugs are used to stop the virus from infecting further cells. But when HIV already integrate with the DNA, it really is too late for any action.

– currently used antiretrovirals are very effective in controlling HIV infection. But patients undergoing this therapy must constantly take medication, because the omission of even one dose can cause a relapse – said Kamel Khalili.

Khalili, along with other scientists from Temple

University Health System decided to see whether using the technique CRISPR / Cas9 can locate and remove the piece of DNA containing the HIV genome. This task succeeded one hundred percent, without any side effects. Moreover, the so-manipulated T cells become resistant to new infection.

It should be noted that the experiment was carried out on human T-cells taken from HIV-infected patients. Does this mean that we will soon be able to control this dangerous disease?


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