According to recent rumors, Apple presented on Monday, March 21 9.7-inch iPad Pro. At the conference, we learn that it is equally emejzing as the original. But as it turns out – not completely.
At first glance, the difference between the two iPad Pro is the only one and that is of course the size of the display. Some, however, managed to delve a bit more into the specifications of the new tablet and discovered a very interesting facts. First, the 9.7-inch iPad Pro is less powerful processor (even though it still is Apple A9X) than the original. It turns out that compared with the Apple system A7 is 2.4 times faster, whereas the graphic 4.3 times faster. For comparison, in the case of 12.9-inch iPad Pro, these figures – respectively – 2.5 times and 5 times. The difference may be small, but it is.
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