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He was seconded by Mr Krzysztof Paszyk, who stressed that populists headed to the Speaker of Parliament call for changes in the project. He explained that the appeal concerns the deletion of the draft provisions on the 5-year ban the sale of land regulation, "interfere with the right of succession", as well as the provisions granting the Agricultural Property Agency the right to decide to which farmers will be getting Polish soil.
"We ask the marshal to seriously and with humility treated the appeal" - said Paszyk.
In the appeal were labeled with the government bill according to its authors intended to protect Polish agricultural land, but - as assessed - "the earth is adequately protected." "The adoption of the bill in the current version of the ban the sale of land for 5 years for Polish farmers!" - The authors wrote the appeal.
"There is no need to interfere so drastically ownership Polish farmers do not need to receive patrimony, there is no need to introduce new legal tools for the Agricultural Property Agency" - they added.
Parliament refused on Friday to reject in the first reading a bill to suspend the sale of agricultural property of the Treasury. Applications for rejection made clubs PO, PSL and Modern. Their representatives argued that the project violates the right of ownership and too interferes with private land turnover.
A draft law to suspend the sale of agricultural property of the Treasury provides for suspension of the sale of real estate or parts thereof belonging to the Agricultural Property of the Treasury for a period of 5 years from the date of entry into force.
On Wednesday in Warsaw against the bill protested hundreds of farmers from across the Polish, who accused PiS that makes an attempt on the private ownership of land. The organizer of the protest was the PSL. It was attended by the representatives of the PO party together and CODE.
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