Wednesday, March 16, 2016

One in four premature deaths linked to pollution –

were considered more than 100 diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory diseases , the development of which contribute to pollution of air, water and soil, as well as changes climate and ultraviolet radiation.

this is the second report WHO on the subject. Previous appeared 10 years ago and showed that pollution of the environment can be associated with 8.2 million deaths dawn. Since then, their number has increased by half, while at the same time decreased the number of deaths caused by infectious diseases such as diarrhea and malaria, to which contributed to the improvement of health and greater access to clean water.

Most-related deaths pollution of the environment in Africa, Asia and South America. Europe accounts for 1.4 million deaths of this kind, and South East Asia – 3.8 million.

Environmental pollution are the most dangerous for children under five years of age and for people in their fifties. For babies in this age falls 1.7 million of these deaths, and persons aged 50-75 years – 4.9 million.

The most common direct causes of death (tied with pollution of the environment) are Shock brain (2.5 million), ischemic heart disease (2.3 million), cancer (1.7 million) and diarrhea (846 thous.).

In recent years, the published studies show that, for example, air pollution increases the risk of both lung diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.


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