Thursday, March 31, 2016

Scientists: physical activity slows the aging brain – Market Health

Regular intense physical activity in older people protects the brain and helps to conserve cognitive abilities, can therefore reduce the costs associated with the treatment of dementia – the researchers say in the pages of Neurology.

The team , headed by Dr. Clinton B. Wright of the University of Miami in Florida, analyzed data on the frequency and intensity of exercise among 876 participants in the Northern Manhattan Study. After about seven years, all passed the first test of the ability of memory and thinking skill. They were also performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. After another five years of tests assessing cognitive abilities repeated – Gazeta Wyborcza.

90 percent. study group practiced little or not at all. The remaining 10 percent. regularly participated in physical activities of moderate or high intensity.

The analysis carried out only in the group, which initially had no problems with memory and other cognitive abilities, showed that people who exercised less or not at all, worse they are much faster, within

five years than people who exercise intensively. Scientists have estimated that the brains of people with a group of little exerciser or niećwiczącej were on average 10 years older than people who are very active.



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