Saturday, March 19, 2016

Outdated equipment at the airport in Rostov. “Equipment remembers Joseph Stalin” – TVN24

Photo: PAP / EPA | Video: tvn24 The remains of the aircraft were scattered over an area of ​​approx. 500 sq m.

– Inspectors flights from Rostov must during landing aircraft work “by eye”, because they do not have the right tools – said in an interview with television LifeNews pilot Andrei Litvinov. Often he performed on flights to the international airport, next to whom on the night of 18 on March 19, the crash of a Boeing 737-800.

– In such difficult weather conditions the machine should be approached for a landing on the machine, but at this airport is impossible – said Andrei Litvinov. – Equipment, which come with air traffic controllers, is outdated and can not be on the land using automatic pilot even in the most modern machines – said Litvinov. He stressed that the equipment, “remembers Joseph Stalin :.

Boeing …


you can not help pilots

– in these weather conditions, which that day prevailed in Rostov-on-Don at the time of the tragedy – a strong, gusty wind and rain – it was necessary landing using automatic pilot – said Litvinov.

– Control of flights have during landing aircraft work “by eye”, because they do not have the right tools. in such circumstances, the airport could not, assist pilots while maneuvering – added the pilot.

“Strange behavior of the pilots”

the pro-Kremlin news portal published a conversation with one of the controllers of flights from the airport in Rostov-on-Don, who claims that “the crew behaved suspiciously” and the captain of Boeing, despite “begging” dispatchers that flew to the airport in Krasnodar. Instead, it decided to redefine the approach to landing in Rostwowie-on-Don. Portal does not provide, however, the name of the dispatcher or information as journalists managed to talk to him.

The crash Boeing 737-800 airline Fly Dubai took the chair. 3.41 local time (1.41 at night our time – ed.). Killed 62 people – 55 passengers and seven crew members.

Katstrofa Boeing in Rostov

Video: Reuters a passenger plane crashed in Russia

Author: jj // rzw / Source: LifeNews

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