For a week environment giant gaming circulate new reports of an improved version of the PlayStation 4. None of them has so far not been confirmed, but according to many sites, each comes from a reliable source. We have also been informed of the alleged operation Sony on a new improved version of the PlayStation 4, but subsequent reports did not publish any, because the role of the box video game industry average, we fit.
Due to the fact that some media have reported to us that the PlayStation 4.5 or someone durniejszy invented PlayStation 4K will be released this year, priced at about 1700 zł, I decided to share your opinion, why I do not believe it. Of course I could be wrong, but I console myself that then it will be evidenced not so much about my skepticism at the folly of Sony. But at this moment I pause in front of the offending intelligence rulers Japanese company and epithets at them send in the direction of editors who deal with takowymi gossip and proclaim their legitimacy.
Both Sony and Microsoft inflicted players the very budgetary eighth generation consoles. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One was on release relatively cheap and their components do not powalały knees. Of course, compared to the seventh generation leap it was huge. Sixteen times more RAM and bad graphics card work on the imagination of players. For this architecture the new consoles would make the production of games on there will be a lot easier. All konsolowi players waited so fast rash of exclusive titles characterized by a photo-realistic graphics, Full HD resolution and fluidity of animation at 60 frames per second. But he quickly learned that what was to be the standard eighth-generation became unsurpassed, and creators from the beginning they had to make compromises. But it is not the performance, resolution or too high expectations of the players are the biggest problem the current generation of consoles, and the lack of new IP and great exclusive titles, rash remasters and indie games.
Since the launch of PlayStation 4 it’s been almost 3 years, a few months to debut VR goggles and reportedly PlayStation 4.5 of efficient graphics card, which will display images of games in 4K resolution and increase the possibilities of virtual reality goggles. Not only that, the console will cost about 1700 zł, which is almost as much cost on the day of the premiere of “real” PS4.
Of course, I am not a supporter of the placing on the market of new improved version of the PlayStation 4. Why? Exactly the same reasons that Sony selling such equipment would have somewhere: the segregation of players within one generation and one producer, the collapse of the idea of a console fixed to deceive millions of players. So I will not delve into these platitudes and move on to specifics. Logic and business issues does not speak for improved edition PS4.
Here are a few reasons why I do not believe in the PlayStation 4.5
- PlayStation 4 sold perfectly and does not need in the age of the current generation worry about the competition. Sony pays for each unit produced console, which makes money primarily on games and PlayStation Plus service. The Japanese have let out powerful console and sell it at a price similar to the current equipment? Sony has once again exposed to losses in the name of 4K resolution? I think not.
- One of the arguments uprising PlayStation 4.5 is the need to have equipment that will enhance the PlayStation VR. But the goggles is a gadget that Sony can not burn, and as you know the Japanese quickly abandon unprofitable technology (PlayStation Move, PlayStation TV, PlayStation Vita). PlayStation release 4.5 of the poor sales of the PlayStation VR would appear double flap financial. So it
Of course, these arguments are based on logic and financial asekuranctwie. However, Sony is not time it proved that he is crazy acting against common sense. In recent years we have witnessed many ill-considered decision to the manufacturer of PlayStation. So I take into account that the PlayStation 4.5 will be another one. What then?
Of course, we can forget about games in 4K. The new console will allow us to obtain previously announced parameters as 60 fps and 1080p and Ultra HD will only be back where they are not needed. On the other hand, if the console has improved improve the PlayStation VR, it is definitely not for the stronger sensations flowing from the game, just because the old version of yourself totally not cope with virtual reality. So the glass edition improved PS4 can only mean the movement full of desperation, and those never end well. How do I know? I have my sources. I assure you that they are certain. Do you believe?
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