Scientists have shown that the genome can be designed in the computer, synthesize in the lab and enter into a living cell so as to obtain new synthetic cell, capable of replication and remaining under full control of artificial DNA.
This is another successful team under the direction of Craig Venter and Clyde Hutchison, who, in 2010. announced the creation of the first living laboratory, synthetic cell equipped with artificial DNA replicative – informs
the current make scientists is the realization of a further aim was to simplify the cell and equipping it with what life is essential.
the researchers used the bacteria Mycoplasma, which are the smallest known living organisms genome. We are designing new hypothetical genomes of eight different segments. Each of them incorporated in the cell was tested for its suitability for life.
The final version of the genome, named JCVI-syn3.0 consists of 473 genes and is smaller than the genome of any living cell. There is no gene control mechanisms of protection against foreign DNA and most of the genes encoding lipoprotein, while the remaining genes needed in the process of reading the genetic information and storing it in subsequent generations.
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