Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What’s New in Microsoft’s global system and its Chinese Windows 10 – Virtual Poland

Already in less than a week begins the Microsoft Build conference for developers in 2016. Prepares a lot of news, and one of them has to be something related to the active tiles, which is the basis of the Windows interface. A conference date is somewhat akin to the date of commissioning of the Chinese version of Windows 10 – one that is more appropriate PRC government.

 Microsoft has published a schedule of sessions for developers, which will be held in the conference Build 2016 . One of them will focus on the mechanism of active tiles and notifications, and while the developers will learn how to program a “new, more flexible notification” and to use “powerful API that will enable a new breed of applications use notification”. Participants will learn about “two surprises related to the active tiles, which are very demanded and what you can not miss.”

 We do not know exactly what surprises can walk. We know, however, that Microsoft in the past considered a variety of improvements for the tiles, including activate them simply by moving the cursor on it a mouse or a stylus and … tiles placed in the tiles , which is the mechanism which gives additional options when you click on it and not only start the related applications. Is Microsoft has not abandoned these ideas, instead wanting us to present another? But maybe he is going back to the original designs of? This we know for sure during the conference.

 It is worth to mention another interesting situation. Microsoft to be able to appear on the gigantic Chinese market, was forced to develop a special version of Windows 10, which

was approved by the government of that country. It is only now ready. Together with China Electric Division created tailored to the needs of the country Windows 10 Zhuangongban . The company was forced to do so due to the fact that recently approved by the Chinese Government operating system was Windows XP , and due to the fact that “ikspek” is no longer serviced, the Chinese began to switch to a native Linux distributions.

 It is not known what Chinese Windows 10 differs from that used by the rest of the world. It is believed that it will be located in focus, inter alia, Chinese local services (such as Baidu) instead of the Microsoft’s. Most likely, this system also “protects citizens” against “unwanted content from the West.” Although, of course, are just speculation.



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