Thursday, March 24, 2016

World Cup: mid-year proposal to charge for the use of water – Gazeta Wyborcza

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By mid-year, will be ready a new draft Water Law, including proposals to charge for the use of water - said the PAP Deputy Minister of Environment Mariusz Gajda. He added that the fee will be balanced in order to motivate the rational use of water.





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"Water management in our country requires reforms and is on several levels. One of them is the adaptation of Polish law to the EU. It is the condition of the ex ante, without which we can not benefit from Community financing, among others, to flood protection. Another is the issue of water management, including investment, as well as charges that using groundwater or rivers will have to pay "- the Deputy Minister added.

The new law will be implemented the Polish law to EU regulations Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nitrates Directive.

In the case of the WFD about controversial art. 9, which states that all uses of water have to pay for it. "This is called. Full refund of the costs of water services. As a rule, there will be exemptions from this fee or for power, or for farmers, but it will not loot, the charges will be balanced so as to motivate a more rational use of water. We do not want also that our companies were losing competitiveness, "- he said.

Deputy Minister explained that the fee can not avoid for sure, those who already use permits water law, which consume more than 5 cubic meters of water per day to the needs of their business. He added that the ministry wants to see as it is in the case of energy, the charges were tariff. "It should depend on what is the maximum water consumption. If it will not harm resources that this charge will be lower, otherwise the fee increase. We also want to enter the metering, because the current system is leaking. Someone submits a declaration of how much water you collect, but if finally downloaded, no one really knows, "- he said.

The new regulations also have to reduce the discharge of nitrates into rivers, which in excessive amounts are harmful to the environment, causing eg. Cyanobacteria. For getting the nitrogen to the waters correspond mainly farmers.

Gajda explained that changes to the system for determining the so-called. OSN-s, or areas vulnerable to pollution by nitrates. Currently, they are determined by the Regional Water Management; must adhere to them all farmers, eg. by reducing the use of fertilizers. "This system is not entirely fair, because the pollution in your area may correspond to one large farm, and other small farmers need and so the guidelines apply. Therefore, we propose a simpler system, which was also consulted with the minister of agriculture," - said Gajda.

Rely it is that the so-called. good agricultural practices limit the discharge of nitrates will have to keep all farms above 10 ha or in which grown more than 10 cows or 70 pigs (10 livestock units).

The new law will also introduce administrative changes. Deputy Minister said that the example of the State Forests has created state-farm Water "Water Polish".

This will be the main institution responsible for water management in our country, although - as he said Gajda - will be able to conclude agreements with local governments interested in taking over the management of the waterways in their area. "Water Polish" are also responsible for the investment policy, including flood safety and minimizing the effects of drought.

Deputy Minister informed that remain traditional institutions as the National Water Management Authority, the Regional Boards, rise for the boards of the basin - mainly on the basis of provincial boards of drainage.

On the other hand, the task of existing water companies responsible for the drainage depth, they have to take over the municipality.



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