Thursday, March 24, 2016

Shakespeare was buried without a head? – Polish Radio

                             Frozen mummy pre-5300 years, which was found in 1991 in the Alps, has 19 living male relatives – according to genetic research.

The study is published in the magazine “Forensic Science International: Genetics.”

The analyzes relate to paternal relatives. – We can say that the Man of Ice and these 19 men share a common ancestor that lived about 10 000-12 000 years ago – says study co-author Walther Parson of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Innsbruck, Austria.

Oetzi is best tested died in history. The fact that it is preserved in the ice, makes scientists could provide all possible data – the cause of death, by eye and hair color, health, until the intestinal contents. We know that he had broken teeth and feed on cereals.

Parson and his colleagues accidentally found the relatives of the frozen mummy. They studied how natural geographic barrier that is the Alps, influenced the genetic diversity of this area. Their analysis assumed comparing genetic samples taken from about 3,700 men who live in the Alps and in their neighborhood.

19 subjects had the same genetic origin as Oetzi – scientists call this line of

G-L91. It is possible that at least one of these men is a descendant Oetziego in a straight line. Scientists admit, however, that the chances are slim.

Research continues further, it is possible, therefore, that scientists will find the following relatives Oetziego.

(ew / LiveScience)


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