Thursday, March 31, 2016

The most important thing from the conference Microsoft we Poles can only dream of – Spider’s Web

news, which so far were presented at the conference Build 2016 actually limited to two things. One rather boring (though developers potentially extremely interesting), and the other quite bold and … problematic, what we Poles know for a long time.

Microsoft definitely does not know how to do conferences. They presented a plethora of interesting information in a form that each at least one person repeatedly yawned. Form of presentation: the bottom. But the content counts, is not it? With this content is also a number of problems. No, not because they are bad ideas or poorly concocted. On the contrary, presented a groundbreaking developer tools and what colleague Piotr Górecki with in a private chat with me during the conference beautifully described as SNaaS (SkyNet as a Service).

For the first time in the history of my stay I went out on a Build, however, full of doubts. There were few things typical “consumer” (which Build is not any surprise, after all, is a conference for developers), there was a lot of great dreams and aspirations. Moreover, it presented a vision and concrete platforms and tools. So what I shake my nose? Let’s look at two of the most important Sale. Not that I ignored the news related to the Xbox or HoloLens, but these are secondary to the real “mięsku” and I will discuss this later in the text. What are these revolutions?

A truly universal applications and programming Macbook

So what if those present are not at all a universal and again we “cheated”? Not exactly. Until now, developers can create applications to any device … on the condition that they work under Windows 10. Game consoles, tablets, phones, PCs … one application will work for everyone, but it must be Windows 10. Now, when the technology Xamarin was purchased by Microsoft, the situation has changed significantly.

Developers may in fact create one solution not only for the Microsoft platform, but also on iOS or Android. This solution is not ideal, and for some time will not, but the temptation for developers is significant. Behold, has one common code and design for all systems and separate subversion dedicated to individual systems, devices and their specifics.


the problem is that this is not the first time that Microsoft provides developers with great solutions, those with approval nod, then let off Xcode to create another application on a platform on which people actually they want to spend money on these applications. Xamarin seems to be the ultimate weapon ( “create an application UWP even as you write on a completely different system!”) And, in theory, is simply delicious. In practice … well. Visual Studio? Windows 10? I have a big

concern when it comes to interest from developers, though I would love to be wrong.

Sztóczna inęligiencja Microsoftó

Much more interesting seems to be providing a platform of Microsoft’s artificial intelligence for all interested developers. Whether in the form of bots, or processing data, or for any other purpose. And here we come to the problem, which might be sitting next to me American journalists do not see, and which concerns … well, much of the world. It’s about language. And I do not mean the programming language.


there’s a reason Google Now in our country is very limited, Siri with us chatting in English and Cortana, just does not work. It’s good that the developers will be able to manage their own vocabulary and improve it, that’s great, that the power of Azure will be available to them to be able to invent and create fantastic service. I’m afraid that we, Czechs, Russians, Swedes, Greeks, ( here put dozens of countries ) will not soon be able to use these facilities. Editing the dictionary handy to create a very simple bot, but the “real” artificial intelligence, such as communicating with our natural language, will be limited to a few markets. Prestigious, important, but from our point of view, we might as well discuss the services on Jupiter.

This is not the end

Microsoft still did not answer too many questions left by last year’s build, but it is a bit too early to scold him for it. The conference will last three days, and we are only the opening speech. I will seek the answers from representatives of the company and thematic sessions.

For now, however, I have many doubts. The plan is good, impressive, and Microsoft may reach new heights. At one small condition: assuming that burn …


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