Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marian Kociniak photo: Fotorzepa / Darek Golik – Republic

The world famous English playwright Ronald Harwood captivated game Mariana Kociniaka written specifically for the “tea with Stalin.” Verkhovensky played leading roles in “Possessed” and Sajetana Tempe “Shoemakers” Lucky in “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett. He was a gentleman and rewelersem in “Hemarze” and “Tuwimie” – musical performances by Wojciech Młynarski.

But there it is, that viewers identify with several actors serialowymi roles. He was so comical murgrabią of “Janosik”, the cuff of the “Paramount Pictures” – including the “moments were,” and above all, Francis DOLAS of a three-part cinematic story, “How I Unleashed World War II.”

He played in the Warsaw hustla thrown into the vortex of global war, with the help of wit and humor, giving cope with adversity, making it impossible to return to his beloved Polish.

– the role of Francis DOLAS brought me great satisfaction and great popularity – he said “Rzeczpospolita”. – The film is funny. The best proof that it is on television around the clock, and the American Polonia demanded coloring it as much cost. We planned one movie and came out three. We shot one and a half year, mainly in the Soviet Union. There was everything. Sahara too. I did not have a special bend.

Like most famous role in the TV Theatre – in “playful with the devil,” where his character had to overcome the hellish forces and win the mercy of Heaven – he played the boyfriend of the Lower Mokotów in Warsaw. Streets childhood became for him a school of survival. Even when we talked recently joked, saying: “I am a young boy raised in the Lower Mokotów.”

– I lived at the Baths, on Bończy, the street that today there is no – he recalled. – The neighborhood was a lot of scum. There was poverty unbelievable! My father bought the tobacco and a thimble, he did papierochy, and ran down the street and screamed: “Cigarettes his work! Cigarettes! Cigarettes! “. These were the beginnings of my acting. At Bończy we lived to burn the house. It was 1944 years, Germany went with flamethrowers and burned the whole street.

Today it is hard to imagine, but it began a period of long-term homelessness actor.

– Once you have been successful in the theater Janusz Warminski, my beloved director of the Ateneum, told me this: “If you wanted to save the party, it would get you an apartment.” I replied: “But my father would kill me.” Since childhood I was raised in the spirit of Communism. We abhor red color from the beginning. My father took it from his grandfather, I’m his father. Therefore, the post-war times were difficult for us. I lived in the corners. In the theater too – in sznurowni. Until I met the wife, Grażynka, which took in me to his home. I fart at all I have in life happiness.

My father wanted to go to a two-year school locksmith and as quickly as possible to earn money. He interceded for the Polish language. The technical construction of engines for Hoza went to drama. Playing in the “Revenge” Papkin toured the entire country. And after hearing the actor-amateur Kazimierz Rudzki, then assistant Alexander Zelwerowicz in PWST said Kociniakowi: “Son, first finish school, and as you pass a high school diploma, you are admitted without examination.”

The teachers said that the sooner the cactus palm grow than Manny is an actor, but always had his own way. When jealous of the fame Jan Swiderski spoiled his role in the “Twilight” Babel, he could do eminence grise Athenaeum fuss, risking expulsion from the theater. After years Swiderski returned

to a younger colleague’s proposed role in “Police” Mrozek. Also, because Kociniak, like nobody else, he was able to listen carefully to your partner on stage. Intimate playing learned a duet with Iga Cembrzyńska in ‘appetite for cherries’ facet. And forty years of acting took over Świderski role of the old Mendel in “Twilight.”

After the changes the past two decades, as many actors Athenaeum was criticized for playing style filter as the privacy, who introduced his master, a partner from the scene and friend, Gustav Holoubek. He hated fashions and novelties, so trying to “dresser” Harwood said the director, that “playing fags” is too flat. During the conflict with star Athenaeum director Izabella Cywińska, also he did his. Because private way of being on stage was an artistic statement generation Kociniaka.

Gustav Holoubek saying: “Television and film are bzdet. Theatre teaches, educates. It is important. But not the most important. The most important is life. ” Therefore, as important as playing on the stage, were playing dice in the backstage. – It gave a little slack – he said sincerely. – We immediately forgot about the job.

I never hid that led happy lives. When we talked about the series of films of Henry Clubs, including “thin and others,” he said:

– A plan beyond booze we drank and played cards, because I’m a gambler. Bridge player and poker. At low rates. So please write! Without any frills. As I drank, it tasted like smoke, the smoke, and how I play, I play.

The last part – the Father – he played in “King drama” in Warsaw IMCE.

– was in the spectacle of stage one of my fathers, appeared in wianuszku young, beautiful girls – says Tomasz Karolak. – He had been ill already, so I asked to come to rehearse scenes only with its participation. But he was there all the time. On old actor champion, he wanted to confront us, gówniarzami and to know what is new in the theater. Playing the role of hero gave my life council. I do not know if he had children, but I felt that he wanted to be a positive Lear. And as if to bid farewell to the theater, because I saw that his tears are private. During the third spectacle hugged him as a father, and I felt like leaving him great excitement, as calmed.

Marian Kociniak only two weeks survived the death of his beloved wife.


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