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Polish scientists have discovered the blood vessels and traces of protein in the bones of up two hundred and fifty million years (PLOS One)
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The unusual state of preservation of the bones drew attention mgr David Surmika, co-author of studies already years ago. During his study of the bones of Triassic reptiles, which implements within the dissertation, identified under a microscope inherent in the bones of a strange structure. It quickly became clear that it was the fossilized blood vessels, as confirmed by other researchers. Found prehistoric vessels were dissected from the bone using a special chemical procedures. Scientists, however, wondered whether the fossilized vessels survived something else?
An extremely rare discovery
- that anything at all behaving in a fossil state is a real rarity - says "Wyborcza" Andrzej Boczarowski, co-author of the work. - We are happy to find any bones. After all, dead bodies are food for scavengers who eat even (quite nutritious for them) bones. Even if the other remains not completely eaten, the bacteria decompose them. And if in some way the remains will be saved from the bacterial decomposition, spread by the wind and sun, acidic soil, and the soil will go to the village, which formed dissolving residues solutions. Therefore, fossils, even small, it's very rare occasions, and more - quite rare. Animal that something is preserved, it must be quickly buried in sediment.
How is it that in spite of this the museum shelves around the world groaning under the weight of millions of well-preserved fossils? About this decides statistics. Even if the phenomenon is a rare once in many thousands of deaths of animals something to always keep. But you must be aware of this, that the typical fossils is nothing but the mineralized remains of once-living organisms. Bones, shells and shells are easy to find. Finding something more than the outline of a decomposing body, fragments of skin, tendons, feathers or hair belong to extremely rare cases. - That's why the Chinese keep these positions like military bases. it is almost impossible to get there - says dr. Boczarowski.
The behavior of building components of the tissue may seem even more incredibly rare. Meanwhile - and a real sensation - the results of Poles indicate that such material is much more prevalent than anyone has so far considered.
Half a century ago, in 1966, in the pages of the prestigious journal Nature published a publication co-author of the latest research prof. Roman Pawlickiiego of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. It showed her well-preserved, fossilized soft tissue (collagen fibers, blood vessels and bone cells) found in the bones of dinosaurs from terrestrial sediments before 80 million years. The bones belonged to dinosaurs discovered by Polish-Mongolian paleontological expedition to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. It was a real sensation at the time.
Heritage Research Professor Pawlicki, who is still active in this field - molecular taphonomy - continues the third generation of researchers. It turns out that the walls of blood vessels originating from the bodies of Triassic reptiles, discovered in Silesia also preserved collagen, but three times older than described by R. Pawlicki.
the interdisciplinary team and the latest equipment
Paleontologists (MA David Surmik, Dr. Andrew Boczarowski) would not be able to perform such complex studies on the fossil, had no cooperation with specialists in other fields - physicists solid (prof. Jack Szade, Dr. Catherine Balin); molecular physics (Dr. Matthew Dulski); biogeologa (PhD. Barbara Kremer) and histologist and morfologa (prof. Roman Pawlicki). Starting research in the field of taphonomy molecular vertebrates coinciding with the moment of opening a very modern and well-equipped with the latest analytical equipment Silesian Centre for Education and Interdisciplinary Research in Chorzow (the pictures).
Analysis of the material was performed several complementary methods using for this purpose analyzes the environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Also used The high-mass spectrometer ion secondary analysis of the time of flight (ToF-SIMS), which allows a very precise determination of the chemical composition of the samples analyzed. It was the first in Poland to use such devices in the study of fossil specimens at the same time. The test results revealed the presence of fragments of inter alia amino acids and, in particular, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, conventional components of animal collagen.
Applications are surprising. The process of fossilization occurs microscale immediately after the death, in the early stages of tissue breakdown, thanks to the rapid burial in the settlement and favorable environmental conditions may keep varying degrees of soft tissue, as well as the remains of biochemical components - regardless of the age of the finds.
the researchers could not believe
- the reports about the discovery of the original organic matter in fossil bones are often questioned. The samples may be contaminated after the stage of their preparation, storage, or activity of bacteria and fungi, decaying organic remains. We conducted this study six years, because all it seemed impossible - says dr. Boczarowski.
However, experiments and studies show that the process of bacterial decomposition are limited to subsurface layers of bone where the organic matter is the most exposed. The samples, which were subjected to analysis and have a proven track record store. I have never been treated organic reagents, such as adhesives, which can distort the results obtained, or were dissected from the rocks by the team members. Careful analysis elektromikroskopowa showed no traces of microorganisms in the form of so-called. biofilms hyphae and other similar structures. Moreover, the sample used in the analysis were derived from the most compact and thus least susceptible to contamination and bacterial invasion is the inner cortical bone.
- Confirmed a very long time, and a variety of tests - Dr added. Boczarowski. - Another problem was the lack of experts in this kind of research findings, because they are so rare, that in the world there is no dealing with them specialists. Our team is very eccentric jumble of people, professionals from many different disciplines.
Described in the pages of PLOS One fossil organika protein in bone is now identified the oldest in the world.
Why so much look for?
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Tere fere, know that God is Catholic or Christian created the earth several thousand years ago, so all these stories about dinosaurs and Darwin's theory of evolution can know where to put myself. Ask episcopate :). They always preach "the truth."
Quite fascinating! With admiration I applaud! I wish you a lot of prestigious publications and supercytowań!
"Fossilized blood vessels are preserved thanks to the rapid mineralization ..."
it means reptile had multiple sclerosis.
'How is it that despite this the shelves museum (...)'
'(...) acidic soil, and the soil will go to the village, which formed dissolving residues solutions.'
> '(...) The Chinese keep these positions like military bases. [Dot] almost [lowercase] it is impossible to get there (...) '
' analysis of the material was performed several complementary methods, using the analysis of the environmental microscope (...) '- Analyses were performed using analysis. A butter is butter ...
'It was the first in Poland to use such devices in the study of fossil specimens at the same time.' That is, these samples were fossil at the same time?!And so on, and so on ...
the editor Dear Michael Bob Green - you write in the section STUDY, and this - I have a feeling - is committed to have at least an elementary education, also, and perhaps above all, in the language that you speak. Such an amount of bulls in the text of my day would mean, that you do not you passed the exams written to the Polish. And today - go ahead and post in the prestigious department of a large, serious media ... Shame!
Sam about extravagant, but the execution of the text - chump!
On Gazeta.pl Agora already has a number of illiterates, really you have to employ they are also in the Election?

just look like a proclamation to creationists