Wednesday, June 1, 2016

AMD Radeon RX 480 – VR for the masses – Interia

1 hour. 1 minute ago

AMD released a graphics card, which is to be an alternative to the GeForce GTX 970 and inexpensive ticket to the world of VR.

Radeon RX 480 – presentation at Computex

/ press materials

Hardware VR new generation is not only a helmet such as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive – you need a strong computer. Minimum requirements include helmet Rift GeForce 970. Companies such as Nvidia perfectly aware of this issue, because the products compatible with the hardware the VR will be marked … read more

AMD today unveiled its strategy for the upcoming graphics cards with family Polaris, or Radeon Series RX. These products will offer impressive performance in the conditions of VR and not only, as well as a range of future technologies in many segments of the money. Radeon RX 480 is a virtual reality hardware-level premium in knockout price, because the model with 4 GB of memory will cost $ 199 suddenly. This equipment will be in stores on June 29, and thus become the most affordable solution to computer systems, VR, as it will ensure the possibilities in this area, which has offered a graphics card for $ 500.

“VR is the largest so far a breakthrough in the field of computer technology serving the wider immersion member and the realization of the vision of AMD Cinema 2.0, which already in 2008 predicted the convergence of new technologies designed for interactivity and action on the senses – said Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect Radeon technologies Group at AMD. – as far as we give humanity an ever greater ability to use and connect to virtual reality, the costs are what keeps this technology from the jump from level available only for the chosen few, the universal solution for everyone. graphics Cards Radeon Series RX is just the products that They move the world to its foundations by giving impetus to the whole ecosystem VR. It is thanks to such solutions technology VR will gain important breakthrough for our users. “

The leading market research price was determined as the most important barrier to the spread of systems VR. 199 dollars. As the price of selected Radeon Series RX is an integral part of the strategy

AMD to significantly accelerate the development of this ecosystem, which also translates into the number of available content and applications. Aggressive pricing will abruptly increase the market capacity VR, and at the same time accelerate the process of lowering the prices of sets VR. Here are 4 factors that will be on this directly translated:

– More affordable desktops and laptops (notebooks) capable of operating systems VR – AMD predicts that affordable computers for VR graphics cards with family Polaris will be a catalyst for the expansion of the market devices capable of handling the VR up to 100 million consumers in the next 10 years. [iii]

– Virtual reality accessible to a greater number of consumers – date retail sales was not particularly cost-effective sales channel systems VR, because the average the cost of the system at the level of 999 dollars. precluded the introduction of large-scale stores. Graphics Cards Radeon Series RX will allow OEMs to build perfectly positioned affordable and market-desktop and mobile computers designed for VR.

– Provide developers VR broader reach – the proliferation of computer technology VR among a mass audience should significantly influence the increasing interest ecosystem VR-side developers, which will result in the creation of new applications and games in many areas such as education, entertainment, work.

– Lowering the threshold inputs for VR – AMD expects that the affordability of computers with cards graphic Polaris significantly accelerate the development of VR ecosystem, contributing positively to speed up the dissemination of this technology, a further increase in interest among developers and production sets VR. All this should translate into a gradual decline in input threshold, because the prices are getting lower.

Graphics Cards Radeon Series RX is the first salvo of a new strategy for AMD, “Water Drop”, which aims to introduce new architectures graphic first in segments with high sales, which will support the continued growth in market share Radeon. In May 2016 the agency Mercury Research reported that in Q1 2016 AMD gained 3.2 percent. market share in the external graphics cards. Radeon Series RX is a solution that will answer the needs of the market: more than 13.8 million PC gamers seem from 100 to 300 dollars. a new graphics card. By introducing cards with family Polaris AMD will define anew what it is the gameplay of this class of equipment.

For more information about video cards Radeon Series RX (Polaris) we will communicate during the ongoing month. We invite you to follow news feeds AMD.


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