Monday, December 14, 2015

10 most bizarre data loss cases in 2015 –

This year’s list of the most bizarre cases, loss of data, prepared by experts from laboratories Kroll Ontrack, the ten “bad luck” stories in which the main roles are played by, among others, iPad thrown out of the train, smartphone immersed in chemicals or solvents drenched laptop.

Kroll Ontrack experts like every year, developed a list of the most bizarre cases of data loss. Labs around the world perform annually more than 50 thousand. recovery processes information lost as a result of different physical and logical damage. Among them you can find really interesting stories from many countries, including Polish.
Top 10 most bizarre cases of data loss, Kroll Ontrack prepared by

10: Servers are (aha aha) hot (Germany)

 Small business conducted at its headquarters construction works, including the server room. One Friday afternoon, business administrator discovered that the plastic sheeting used to cover the room, do not protect enough against dust. He decided to move a server to another room, away from the construction work. After a very warm and sunny weekend, on Monday morning he felt an even greater surge of hot, when he realized that the server is not working. As it turned out, one of his aides on Friday off air conditioning in the room, which temporarily put the server. This was to prevent the ingress of dirt there, but most effectively prevented … the operation of the server. Although both the atmosphere and the server was very hot, specialists were able to recover up to 99 percent of the data.

9: relic or joy (Poland)

 One man had still acting Amiga 600 (equipment entered the market in 1992!). One day his electronic “elder friend” refused to obey. Without special reasons, no user error – simply stopped working due to advanced age. The data recovery experts have done everything in their power to help zdruzgotanemu user – computer had for him great sentimental value because the device turned out to be a gift from the days of childhood.

8 (No) perfect cleaning lady (Norway)

 The computer user lost data and went to your local computer to solve this problem. When copying data backup – this process may take several hours – the cleaning lady accidentally dropped hard to the floor. The device started to make a loud, disturbing noises. Experts from the computer terminal, realizing the seriousness of the situation, they decided to send the drive to Kroll Ontrack laboratory, where he was able to recover 98.8 percent of its content.

7: And another, and another once (Poland)

 The laboratory data recovery server hit consisting of 22 discs, which have already once lost data and retrieve it at the same site. The customer used the undamaged discs, exchanged damaged and still use the server. Unfortunately he did not take into account the principle of “learn from mistakes” and has not performed backup (once again!). The server has failed (once again!) And drives sent to Kroll Ontrack (once again!). The moral? “Never use the system, which had already been damaged, without the use of appropriate protection.”

6: Paint my world (Poland)

 “Flooded laptop solvent. I am on the way to your seat” – data recovery specialists heard in the handset. Soon they knew the details: an unlucky accident took place when a man, fulfilling the wish of his wife, preparing a custom color to paint the wall. This is a creative task uprzyjemniał myself, listening to music from a laptop placed on the floor. She was also on the can of solvent, which at some point accidentally kicked. It was not, unfortunately, a colorful day for laptop … Thanks to the quick response from the user, managed to recover the data. Whether later managed to get the ideal color –

unfortunately do not know.

5: Laptop wall with our (USA)

 In a fit of frustration, a woman threw her laptop with all her might against the wall. The device bounced off her and fell to the ground. Despite the 3-meter flight, hitting a result of which created a hole in the wall and fall to the floor, the data could be recovered. Is that among them was a reason for the nervous reaction? That’s remain a mystery owner.

4: Smartphone gardener (United Kingdom)

 A man was mowing the lawn when she accidentally dropped to the ground your smartphone. He did not notice that point on, until he felt the mower intensively had something more than just grass. Quickly he learned that unfortunately this is not a stone or piece of wood. The smartphone was completely destroyed. The mowing the lawn that day was not perfect, but certainly will long remain in the memory.

3: His track (United Kingdom)

 In the beautiful natural setting, a user accidentally iPad … threw him out of the train. The same success was already finding equipment. However, the device was damaged, and access to the data it has proved impossible. Is destroyed digitizer, so iPad does not respond to touch, and the second layer of the screen, consisting of the LCD display frame, battery connectors and lightning. The equipment, however, still work, but incorrectly, so the iPad reboots every two minutes, preventing skilled in continuous operation. Despite these obstacles, engineers estimated that the motherboard iPad was in quite good condition, which greatly facilitated the recovery of all data.

2: Deadly makeup (Italy)

 One woman was washing make-up and unfortunately flooded your iPhone liquid make-up remover. The machine stopped working, so she was forced to turn to data recovery specialists. He described in detail the course of events, noting that the cosmetics she used was a very well-known brand. Thanks to the professionals (and perhaps also the manufacturers of cosmetics?), Managed to recover the contents of the device, including precious photos and contacts.

1. Like fire and water (United Kingdom)

 When all the data you store on a laptop, you did not do a backup, the laptop is in the house that is burning, the fire starts the installation of fire, and installation of water floods everything – this is not your best day. It’s a story with which the British branch of Kroll Ontrack hit a man. Despite the fact that his laptop has become an arena of struggle between two elements: fire and water, all data luckily managed to recover.


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