More than 40 ancient human and animal mummies, scientists will study as part of Warsaw Interdisciplinary Research Mummy Project, which was launched on Tuesday in Otwock. The study will provide, among others, chance of finding traces of disease occurring in antiquity.
The authors of the project (called. Warsaw Mummy Project) by Polish archaeologists and bioarcheolodzy, PhD, University of Warsaw Wojciech Ejsmond, Kamil Braulińska and Marzena Ożarek-Szilke. The project is implemented in close cooperation with the National Museum in Warsaw (MNW), under the supervision of which there are mummies.
Warsaw Mummy Project is the largest in the world, implemented on such a large scale, interdisciplinary scientific initiative dedicated to the research of ancient mummies .
Scientists first check whether the mummies are authentic and what they contain. “Especially in the case of mummified animals we know that bundles often contain only fragments of animals – such mummies were produced en masse and sold to pilgrims as votive offerings submitted to the gods in the temples” – told PAP Marzena Ożarek-Szilke.
The research will help answer too questions about the species, sex and age of the mummy, but above all give a chance to find traces of disease occurring in antiquity, including diseases of the skeleton, metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, vascular, odpasożytniczych, in particular cancer.
The first stage Work began on Tuesday in the International Cancer Centre Affidea in Otwock, under the supervision of oncologists and radiologists. Wednesday will last study using computed tomography (CT) and state of the art digital camera for X-ray examinations (X-ray).
Later mummies will go back to the warehouses of the National Museum, where further testing will continue until 2018, and then will exposed to a rearranged’s exposure under the Ancient Art Gallery.
“So far only performed several interdisciplinary research projects mummies, including the UK, the United States and Canada, and in 2001 was carried out a series of tests on mummies Egyptian in Krakow – reminded Ożarek-Szilke. – Our project also entails the use of not only known and used by other teams methods, we also want to develop new techniques and medical analysis, not used so far during testing of mummies. “
She note that modern science can explore the ancient Egyptians not only to satisfy curiosity, explain riddles of the past, but for the tangible benefits that flow from research plaguing us today illnesses.
The second phase of the Warsaw Mummy Project will consist of sampling of the mummy – however, as reserve investigators – all take place without damage to exhibits, using laparoscopy. Thanks to them, it will be possible to conduct accurate laboratory analysis, including genetic using DNA testing.
“We are honored that we will have contributed to this fascinating project. Acquiring knowledge about the types found in ancient tumors, organs
The Polish project also involved the Italian carabinieri. “Their contribution will be especially valuable. The Italians have extensive experience in the study of fingerprint and podoskopijnych mummified remains,” – he told PAP Ożarek-Szilke. She added that thanks to the fingerprint analysis can be identified, among others, , which engaged in dead or worked physically, whether they were left- or right-handed can. It will be possible also to determine the origin of the dead – whether they were Nubians, Egyptians, and maybe the Hittites.
Egyptian mummies were subjected to numerous tests in the world tomographic since the 70s of the twentieth century. Until now able to investigate about 100 exhibits this type. It is a very small part of all the mummies found in the world’s museums. “Never, however, they were not tested as thoroughly in such a comprehensive manner and within such a complex, interdisciplinary project, which begins our team” – believes Ożarek-Szilke.
Dorothy Ignatowicz-Woźniakowska, Chief Conservator of MNW said, that reorganized the museum’s laboratory intends to actively get involved in the second stage of the study. MNW potential has been strengthened through cooperation with one of the world’s most research institutions – the interdisciplinary Centre for Biological and Chemical Sciences University (CNBCh). “We are also open to unconventional scientific initiatives and support them very much. And this is the Warsaw Mummy Project “- added Ignatowicz-Woźniakowska.
The progress scientists can follow at: “We will also promote Poland and present the results in numerous scientific publications and conferences abroad” – announced Braulińska and Wojciech Ejsmond.
PAP – Science in Poland, Szymon Zdziebłowski
SZZ / agt /

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