Saturday, December 19, 2015

East of Earth as seen from lunar orbit. Such pictures have not seen –

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The image was taken by a spacecraft, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

A series of photos for this effect

– This is something stunning – words Noah Petro, a scientist with the Space Flight Center, NASA. Robert Goddard. – This photograph is a reference to the famous photos of the “Blue Marble”, which was taken during the Apollo 17 mission.

Ta One photograph made from a height of more than 130 kilometers above the lunar crater Compton, is really a series of photographs taken by a set of cameras placed on the probe. Cameras wąskokątne create a black-and-white pictures in very high resolution and wide-angle camera care about most accurate color reproduction. The picture that you watch, made up of images from both cameras.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Click here to see photos in full resolution

class="txt_srodtytul"> Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter

The mission LRO began in the mid June 2009. It collects data on the moon and its surface that are needed, among others, to create detailed maps of the moon, which will allow for the appointment of future landing sites for manned and unmanned lunar missions.

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