Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Price decisive factor in choice of mobile operator for Polish consumers –

Price decisive & # x105; CYM factor in choice of mobile operator & # XF3; rkowego for Polish consumers & # XF3; in > The basic criterion for 41 percent of the respondents is the price they bear in mobile services. The next place on the list is the call quality (37 percent). It often happens that at a given location is not satisfactory, each network has coverage. Almost one third of interviewed by Ericsson takes into account the customer service in a particular operator, and offered his service packages.

After 25 percent of the respondents claim that the choice of the operator draws attention to a specific offer or the quality of data transmission. The rarest criterion used by consumers is a positive opinion of friends, enjoying the Ulugh of the operator (16 percent).

Ericsson ConsumerLab report provides information on ways to use technology and mobile services in selected countries. The section on Poland was created based on 1,865 online surveys. The respondents are a group

representative of the 21 million Poles aged 15-69 years use the internet at least once a week.



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