Sunday, December 27, 2015

Apple wants an additional 180 million dollars in damages from Samsung – TVN24 Business World

Apple “asked” this year Samsung on a very expensive gift for Christmas: an additional 180 million dollars in damages, resulting from the long-running patent case.

Just a few weeks after the Samsung agreed to pay Apple 548 million for infringement of patents and designs of Apple, the company from Cupertino filed in court documents, saying that his biggest rival is owed him an additional $ 180 million supplemental damages and interest.

The process of the patent between the two giants ended in 2012 and shed light on projects for the most popular smartphones. The case largely shifted Silicon Valley and the entire industry technology because it exposed the inner workings of two great companies, we have been concealed in secret.

The court ruled that Samsung infringed patents Apple and ordered the Koreans compensation of one billion dollars. Later this amount dwindled by almost half, to 548 million dollars.

Samsung appealed to the US Supreme Court, arguing that the ruling sets a precedent that could stifle innovation because it heightens concerns corporations in the field of legal problems. The Court has not decided whether to accept the case for review.

In the previous., Apple and

Samsung bury the hatchet in foreign patent cases, but not in the United States.

Interestingly, Samsung supplies Apple processors and screens for iPhones and iPads. Thus, both companies act as partners in some respects, even though at the same time carry out disputes in the courtroom.

The new “toys” from Apple:


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