Monday, December 14, 2015

Another social network is the victim of hackers – Virtual Poland

  Twitter for the first time in its history has warned users against hacker attacks, working on behalf of one of the world’s governments. May be threatened accounts belonging to government agencies, large enterprises and the media.

 This is not the first time that the Internet company warns users against attack by an organized group of hackers paid by the state. He did it have Facebook or Google. In the history Twitter However, this is the first time – indicating that this type of threat are increasingly feasible.

 However, representatives of Twitter outside the notice of the attack did not shake his belief about its source or scale. They pointed out only that burglary related to “a small group of accounts” and assured that they have no evidence that there was to steal any sensitive data.

 The warnings that Twitter sent to selected users, reported Reuters. It cites the representatives of the Canadian non-profit organization Coldhak who – as they say – do not know why just warned them. They did not notice any effects of a burglary. By the way, they point out that they are not the only ones who received information on the potential break-in.

 Hacker attacks sponsored by the world governments are increasingly common and more real threat. Late last year, Facebook introduced a mechanism which is to warn his users from such threats. At a time when the portal detects suspicious activity, it will

send you a notification. It will also facilitate additional protection against burglary account.

 In the case of such attacks among the most common suspects are Russia and China. One should, however, take into account that we were informed about them mostly US companies.

  Dominik Goose


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