Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Falcon 9 rocket on the launching of satellites and landed back on Earth. This is the beginning of the revolution! – Gazeta Wyborcza

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Peter Cieśliński, Charles Wojcicki


             First rate & # x144; rocket Falcon-9 here & # x17C, before hatching & # x105; landing

The first stage of the rocket Falcon-9 just before landing (SpaceX)




Historical attempt was made this morning. Flights into space will become cheaper, because you can reuse the same level of carrier rockets.


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Falcon 9 rocket carrier belonging to the company SpaceX launched from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and after several minutes of flight for the first time in history without problems landed in almost the same spot (landing was away less than 10 km from the launch site.)

And so it looked historic landing filmed from helicopters only:


He informed the owner of the billionaire Elon Musk of SpaceX, he returned to Earth the first stage of the rocket, the second was the low Earth orbit telecommunications satellites 11 small Orbcomm. In this way the first time in the history of SpaceX regained main stage rocket, which - after refueling and minor repairs - can now be used in the next flight.

Start was to take place on Sunday, but was in the last now rescheduled for Monday. Musk wrote on Twitter that Monte Carlo simulations gave poniedziałkowemu the launching of 10 percent. a greater chance of success.

This was the first launch after the crash in June. June 28 Falcon9 was to reach orbit unmanned Dragon transport, on board of which were two tons of equipment and supplies for the crew of the International Space Station. Unfortunately, three minutes after take-off from Cape Canaveral rocket exploded. SpaceX late July reported that the cause of the accident was the failure of the steel supports in a tank of oxygen. - It seems that this element was DOA - explained then Musk.

Today, however, everything went according to plan, which brings the company Muska to the ambitious goal of up to a hundredfold reduction of the cost of the mission orbit . So far, production, preparation for the flight and launch rockets were among the most expensive elements of space missions. Worse, the rocket was disposable - after the executed task was burning in the atmosphere or drowning in the ocean. SpaceX wants to change and - as it seems - is on the way.

The company SpaceX was founded by billionaire Elon Musk in 2002. Its main aim is to develop technologies that will enable offering cheap spaceflight. For several years, the company commissioned by NASA transports supplies to the space station. It uses this racket own production of the Falcon 9 and reusable unmanned Dragon capsule. Recently, NASA has given SpaceX is also a green light for the elevation of astronauts into orbit. The company has already prepared a manned version of the capsule Dragon.

As a result, the Americans will be able to become independent from Russia because at the moment have to buy for their astronauts place in the Russian capsule Soyuz.

But this is not Finally ambitions billionaire. He thinks he has to hold a "cheaper" missions to Mars. If all goes according to plan, the first private craft to fly to the Red Planet in 2025. And in 2100. SpaceX is to be ... the most popular transport company in the solar system. Judging by its past successes, it is quite likely.

How is it possible that in 12 years from scratch to build a profitable company in the space? And whether Poland could it go? Says Prof. Bohdan W. Oppenheim, a specialist in systems engineering, consultant SpaceX



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Comments (15)



                                 And we have a problem TK, NATO raid on the resort, 500+, etc.
    For 100 years did not catch up terms of developed countries.









                                 everything in this world gets off and find a cute exception to the rule








                                 Interestingly, besides engineers who will know roughly what they are simulations Monte Carlo;]












                                 And what's the problem?
    Most important people to know that the father of the analytic technology was a Pole, co-founder of the American hydrogen bomb, more important in that project since Teller, but kept secret. :))








                                 Great! It was described by Lem in Invincible, Ananke, so landing Pirx! I thought this would never see ...











                                 So technically, to what extent there is freedom of aerodynamic drop the rocket, and when turns maneuvering on the market and vertical landing? Or the beginning of maneuvers begins with parachutes?








                                 Oh, there's some racket.

    Who needs it? The new government after dismantling the democratic system will give us the spiritual development by replacing half of the lessons in mathematics and physics religion (only right).





    To assess Login or zarejestrujX













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