Sunday, December 27, 2015

Apple once again wants money from Samsung. This time “only” $ 180 million –

The conflict between Apple and Samsung in 2012, when the company headed by Tim Cook Koreans accused of copying some of the solutions to the appearance of iPhone smartphones in a series of Samsung Galaxy S. Finally, the court granted the request of Apple and ordered to Samsung payment of more than $ 1 billion compensation. In the course lasting more than three years on appeal, this amount was reduced to 548 million dollars.

Read also: The end patent war? Samsung to pay Apple

At the beginning of December. Samsung agreed to pay damages to a competitor remembrance. Now it turns out, however, that the Cupertino company is not fully satisfied with the resulting amount and demands of Koreans more. Much more.

It’s about five devices manufactured by the Korean company infringing Apple’s patents, which remained on sale for a long time after the announcement of the first court’s verdict in the case. The company led by Tim Cook believes that it should be the title of this additional compensation, which according to calculations made in Cupertino is expected to be approx. 179 million US dollars. The models of equipment listed by Apple in the proposal are:

  • Galaxy S II Skyrocket (6.14 million dollars in damages)
  • Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch (96
million dollars in damages)
  • Galaxy S II T-Mobile (74 million dollars in damages)
  • Droid Charge (620 thousand. dollars in damages)
  • Galaxy Prevail 167 thousand. dollars in damages)
  • Samsung declined to comment on the matter.

    Interestingly, being in the US conflict (patent disputes in other countries have been frozen) do not mind the two technology giants in fruitful cooperation. Suffice it to say that Samsung still provides processors for Apple’s mobile devices.

    Source: CNET


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